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Annual Summer Shoot @ Mingo Sportsman - July 21-23, 2017


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Shade? Lol
I have a couple 10x20 canopies. We have the shelter house there too. It caught a nice breeze last year.

Oh yeah. This still runs. Still has some Mingo mud on it from last year. Just check fluids, lube chain, and top off with gas.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Boy do I have a lot to get ready yet. My truck is still loaded to work all day tomorrow. Might just unload, clean it out, load up, and drive thru the night. Doubt it. But might. I need to get away. Told Steve (Motohomo) I don't care if I ride, shoot, or do anything. Might find a lawn chair in the shade and just sit there all weekend.

That's my plan Phil lol


Junior Member
NE Ohio
I'll probably be there Noon-2ish on Friday. I've arranged a kid sitter, so I'll be packing up after I drop them off mid morning. Hope I can fit all my gear, cooler, guns, and trade table stuff in the Subaru. That RTIC cooler is huge, but I think it will be much needed.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No turning back now. Steve guilted me into swapping my old bologna skin tire. I have a new one hanging on the wall still wrapped in plastic. I'm putting a better used tire on that is still great for trail riding but not real race worthy. Lmao. What a cheapskate I am. I learned from the best though.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That is done. It lead me to new rear brake pads. Started it today. It ran. Topped off fuel. Just need to top off fork fluid tomorrow as my seals are shot. No time to address properly before the weekend. It'll due. They were blown out last year too.

Tomorrow is gather gear day. I picked up some of Dad's old riding gear today. I will wear it in his memory this weekend. Then I need to pack some food and clothes and guns. Yeeehaaaa! I am ready to clear my mind.