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Fletch's N.J. Black Bear 2017 Adventures....


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I thought some of you might enjoy following my quest to harvest a bigger than average Yogi in a state that is better known for concrete and pollution... I can assure you that is not the case and we have some very rugged mountainous areas... I've been after one particular bear now for several seasons... And 2 weeks ago I started once again by putting out a camera along with his favorite food... DONUTS... I'll be checking cams about every two weeks and will update this thread then with pic's... Hopefully come Oct. we'll have some success...

So two weeks ago I headed in with a friend to bait and set up a camera... Today we went back to put out an additional camera and refresh the donuts... All donuts were gone and I had 97 pics on the camera... After getting home I was like a kid at Christmas going through the pics... I didn't expect much in 2 weeks as who knows where they wondered since last fall... I had about 7 different bears on cam... Two of which were 500 +/- lbs... Brutus as I call him was not on the cam... So time will tell if this year I play games with him... Enjoy the pics and check back in a few weeks to get an update...



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Looking forward too the journey Rich.... Here's hoping you can connect on him and have a huge Taxidermy bill lol


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Thanks guys for the well wishes... I'll keep you guys in my back pocket as I go along on this journey... Woke up this morning and I'm already itching to go check the cameras again... I've got cameras out in Illinois since March and I gotta say I get more of a kick checking the bear cams than the deer cams...And I know I gotta have some decent deer on cam out there... Just something majestic about such a big animal showing up without making little or no noise...

Here's two more pics that were on the camera... What's that old question: Does a bear shit in the woods??? LOL Look's like this one was eating something with seed's... Maybe choke cherries... I found 4 pile's while walking around... Alway's a good sign... Also here's a pic of the donut assortment I left for him... Even pulled the old TOO trick and sprinkled grape koolaide on them...

Although I'm after Brutus, come Oct. I'll take anyone in the 600 lb. range as just like a 200 inch buck, a big bear may never show when you are there... I've always had that 600 lb rule in effect leaving smaller bears pass every year... Gotta set your sights high as there is always ground shrinkage just like in deer hunting... One rule of thumb is small ears equal BIG BEAR...

Good luck!! Man I will love following along on this!! Doing it yourself makes it that much more rewarding. Been a long long time now since I bear hunted on my own and I can still remember walking up to the bait pile and seeing it destroyed for the first time. Makes ya feel like someone's watching you every trip in after to bait again!!


Senior Member
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Good luck!! Man I will love following along on this!! Doing it yourself makes it that much more rewarding. Been a long long time now since I bear hunted on my own and I can still remember walking up to the bait pile and seeing it destroyed for the first time. Makes ya feel like someone's watching you every trip in after to bait again!!

Definately makes you wonder when your backpack is loaded with donuts and smells from prior trips.. Last year walking out I bumped into one following exactly in my footsteps from earlier when I came in... Even more fun when in the pre dawn darkness you hear foot steps 10-15 yds from you and you cant see what it is.....


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I had my new Moultrie A-30I cameras waiting by the garage door when I got home today... Good excuse to go add another camera from a different angle and pull the cards on the other cameras... Hortontoter going to get a Horton Storm RDX for the occasion... Since shots will be close (10-15 yds) I want to eliminate excessive movement... In Jersey you can sit right in the bait.... But you cannot hunt within 100 yds of the bait out of a tree stand, constructed blind or a pop-up... Anything natural such as a rock ledge, blowdown is ok... Strange rule... So we'll be up close and personal...


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Do you place bait every day closer to season? That way they know when feeding time is??

Actually I'm feeding him less this year.... Going once every two week's up till first week of Oct. with only a backpack full... Day or two prior to the opener I'll take a full jet sled in... I want them to get a taste but not fill up their stomach, so they come looking for more... Last year I think I over fed them and they became nocturnal or didn't come again... They totally threw me a curve last year... So this year we'll try something new...