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What's good TOO?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Worked today. Tried to put in the garden. Now need to get cleaned up for my daughter's dance recital. That is not so good for me, but it is important for her and it is good to see her progress each year!


Staff member
Enjoy that dance recital dad! I know my old man just loved them after spending a decade following me around to soccer, basketball, football, and baseball games! LOL!

I'm headed off to a birthday party for the husband of one of the girls Tracie works with. Not real happy considering none of my drinking buddies will be there and the people who will be there that I do know, I don't like. The good part is a dude who has an ass kicking coming is supposed to show up and I got the go ahead to whip his ass if so! LOL! I'll report back later on that front...

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Had a great day being lazy! Home this weekend, I was suppose to do a bunch of mulching for mom and dad but that got postponed til next weekend. Slept in, shot my bow, read GWBush's book, shot my bow some more.

30 yards, not bad considering I haven't shot seriously since December!



Senior Member
Think we are going to have a fire tonight. Nothing like getting my drink and smoke on, on a nice Saturday night.

sent from my HTC evo


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Survived. That is good. Graci was fantastic. I will share the commentary sometime around a campfire. Too cruel to put on the public forums. lol


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Talked to Grandpa today. He took his first spin around the yard on the new zero turn mower he just bought. 85 years old, zipping around the yard, and having a blast doing it! He was so excited talking about it, it was funny just listening. Gotta love getting new toys!!

Had another exhausing weekend with the kids. They were ring bearer & flower girl in a wedding and stole the show on the dance floor last night! At one time everybody formed a circle with the two of them in the middle, just breakin' it down! Hilarious!!! Not sure where they got their moves from, but I can tell you it wasn't from this white boy.
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DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Sounds like a pretty decent weekend fellas! Got a lot of work done myself, got to spend a day with the wife, and have a couple beers with the old man, TOO good!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Slept in. Oops. Dance recital and post recital Applebee's had us out late. Sorry.

Kids were outside playing, so I snuck into the bathroom for Mommy Daddy play time. Schwing!

Finished the garden. Kids were filthy after "helping".

Gave Hank a bath. ugh. At least he was clean at the end of the day. He was the only one though.

Took kids to ice cream store where we met my parents. Mom and Dad were on the motorcycle. Good to see them enjoying it on a beautiful day!

Not much to complain about but the two people that stood me up on mulch sales at 4pm. At least I got our pumpkins planted at the retail location while i was waiting for them to never show up.


Staff member
I'm open for additional sponsorship!!! :smiley_clap:

What's good? Well, there is dirt being turned close to the farm right now, so that means we'll have some crops to keep the deer fed and healthy. Still not sure what is happening on the ridge next to a few of my stands, but I actually don't mind that field not being planted at all.

Work is super busy right now and I'm doing pretty well on my project to date. I got a sneak peak at some of our proposed activities over the next few years and it looks like I'll have plenty of work for a while. Times are good...


Staff member
Holy shit fellers! I just got handled an addition 5 miles of pipeline for gas and water, and might get turned loose on 15 miles of water line. Word on the street is we will have 1-2 rigs running nonstop in WV and OH for the next 10 years starting in September. Six months ago, I had my thumb up my ass looking for jobs. Now I'm running ragged just trying to find the time in a day to get shit done! Good thing I remembered how to turn it on!!!