I've owned both 44 Mag. Henry and Marlin 1895 Cowboy 45-70.
The Henry (steel frame), in .44 Mag. and it was everything you could ask for in a deer hunting rifle. Light carrying weight, low recoil, extremely accurate (3/4" groups at 50 yards with open sights) and not very loud shooting it in the woods.
* Just a personal preference, but I didn't care for the tube for loading vs. the side loading of the Marlin.
* As for same ammo for the use of a lever-action and a revolver...I'm NOT a fan. My Ruger Super Redhawk is a heavy duty beast and will handle a lot heavier reload charges, over the Henry. I had to back off on the amount of powder used in my reloads for the Henry to get good accuracy, compared to the same load out of the Super Redhawk that would shoot 1" groups at 50 yards.
My Marlin 1895 Cowboy seems to like hard cast bullets, loaded around 1700 f.p.s. This is the first year of hunting with it and I've yet to kill anything with it. The deer population in this area is almost non-existent, but that's another issue. I like the rifle and it's a shooter. I think any of the Marlin models in 45-70 will get the job done....and for less money than the Henry. I purchased mine through Buds Gun Shop, online, for $600 minus the $100 rebate. The same can be said for the 44 Mag. lever-action rifles.