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What's good TOO?


Senior Member

Out riding around on the old tank.sent from my HTC evo


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I finally closed my chapter of the semi truck accident from 2 years ago. Got some stuff to buy now :D.

Baccalaureate is done for my oldest daughter and Graduation tomorrow night and party on Saturday. It's crazy but glad to she has done it and getting ready to move on to another chapter in her life :D.

Very glad to hear that Adam.
Happy for ya.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
The party turned out great and I think my daughter had a great time with some of her family and friends.

I got to spend the evening with Dante his wife and their daughter ( who has moved in lmao ) and a little bottle of Captain Morgan and Sierra Mist. That was a good time TOO.

Everything is packed up and ready to be returned Tuesday.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I got to sleep in today. Good thing after the last few days. Too bad i had to work tonight. Just getting home. At least I had the ever entertaining conversation from Jackalope for part of my night! Always TOO good to talk to him. Also good to have the work. Try not to take things for granted what others would love to be doing.


*Supporting Member*
I just spent two days planting my first garden. Looking forward to seeing if my midwest roots are still workin. Wish me luck.

Good luck with the garden Willy. Mine is basically a swamp right now. Might be the first year in ages that I don't get one planted. I'm thinki9ng of tilling it up when it dries and covering the whole thing with manure. I figure I can till the crap in and repeat all summer. Might send a soil sample to the locals and see what they say I need to have it in top shape for next year.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Hauled and spread a yard of mulch for mom, mowed the lawn, cleaned the truck, did a load of laundry. I'm bout ready for a nap followed by grillin out and driving back to NE Oh


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Where do I start? Maybe this one needs its own thread.

Checked camera cards today. One camera never made it from Setup to ON. Dang. Other one showed some promise. Came home, showered, pulled a tick off my leg. Good to catch that little bugger before he burrowed in.

Ate lunch and went fishing. Dad, me, my brother-in-law, my friend John, and 5 kids. Not much biting, but we didn't have any worms, so to have the kids catch 7 fish on twister tales was not bad at all.

Came home to the surprise of all surprises. I am not a birthday guy. I couldn't care less. If I want something, I generally just go buy it (within reason). I only ask for one thing on my birthday every year. You guys probably have the same request. wink wink

Today I came home from fishing to a packed house and people overflowing into the yard with tents set up and a huge surprise. Erin had planned a surprise birthday party for my 36th. That was a huge surprise because it wasn't like it was my 40th or 50th or something. Completely caught me off guard. Great turnout and was wonderful to be surrounded by friends and family. Here is where it gets even better. She also bought me a semi-guided hunt in Hocking County. This is something I never would have spent the money on. It was a donated hunt for our local FHFH chapter my buddy Mike started this year. She bid on it and won it for me! I don't even know what to think. I would have never guessed she had something like this planned!

Here is the certificate for the hunt. There is also a coupon for $200 off a shoulder mount from the taxidermist included! I am thankful for the hunt. I am more thankful it wasn't some high fenced, canned hunt. lol


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