Damn just reading all that wore me out lol! I'm thinking ol lefty knows he's second string now and don't give two squirts lol. Slick has that rock star look and even on bad days looks forward to the pics. Look at his face lol he loves it!
Damn just reading all that wore me out lol! I'm thinking ol lefty knows he's second string now and don't give two squirts lol. Slick has that rock star look and even on bad days looks forward to the pics. Look at his face lol he loves it!
Awesome update Jamie, gotta love the good days with good friends...
Make no mistake, Lefty is still the "A" team. He just isn't the only game in town anymore. Slick still has a lot to learn. Nancy said he let loose the most pitiful howling she's ever heard when I left without him yesterday. poor little guy, he is still a puppy in many ways. I had every intention of taking Slick out today for a few hours before our next Christmas stop, but dang, it's awful outside. 17* with 20mph wind blowing around some light snow still. Brrrr. I'll pass. :smiley_coffee:
Merry Christmas everybody.
Did I miss something? What area you talking about Jamie?