"Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different results" is the bon mot many people mistake for the definition of insanity for good reason. Doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different outcome, but not ever getting it, surely demonstrates some degree of mental derangement or at least utter foolishness. maybe both? It's possible that I should be committed.
After having such a smashing good day with Slick on Wednesday, I tried to leave him home Thursday and just take Lefty, but I didn't. As expected, Lefty was a problem. He took it to a whole new level Thursday. Slick worked out a track and settled on a tree, doing it like a pro. About the time that I actually saw the squirrel, Lefty gets on a tree of his own about 50 yards away and starts barking. After I ignored Lefty while looking for a shot at Slicks squirrel, Lefty runs over and joins Slick, which is totally fine, but I was playing a serious game of hide and seek with this particular squirrel and it was taking a long time (in total, about 20 minutes or so, which is an eternity), and when Lefty got impatient, he just ran off the tree, dragging Slick with him. I furiously tied Slick and got him back on his tree and went about looking for the squirrel again, Lefty starts is running to me, spooking the squirrel every time I maneuver into position to shoot. I was trying hard to just get this squirrel shot out for Slick, but realized that I was never going to do it with Lefty's "help", so I tied him with Slick on the tree, eventually made a nice head shot on the squirrel.
Lefty has begun to actively disrupt Slick while he's working, and that is intolerable as it will surely deteriorate into a dog fight on a tree. I've seen that happen, and it isn't pretty. Lefty on the verge of becoming a house pet at this point as I have lost all hope for him ever hunting with another dog after what I witnessed on Thursday. to say that it's disappointing is a gross understatement. He is a supremely talented dog, going down the drain. it pains me.
So I work my way back to the truck to lock Lefty in the box, Slick and I hunted on for another hour or so, and Slick sight chased one up a tree and I was able to shoot it out. After moving on to another area, I decided to let them both loose again. They did both hunt, and in a coordinated way, for that matter. Right up until Lefty treed, anyway. Slick sorta kinda joined him, but did not actually get on the tree. I was wading around in neck high green briars trying to locate the squirrel. It was up there alright, but not budging, and with it's head obscured. Lefty ran off the tree and I forced him back on, decided to take the body shot on the squirrel. That was a bad idea as squirrel was hit, even fell, but caught itself and limped into a hole while I was shooting twigs and/or missing with numerous follow up shots. I really hate leaving them hang, and that is all on me. Lefty didn't do a damn thing the rest of the day after that, Slick scoured the woods like a squirrel dog is supposed to. I loaded them up and decided to try one more drop, but I probably should have quit. I was very exasperated by that point, with Lefty mostly, but with myself, too. so exasperated, in fact, that I forgot to bring my rifle along on the last drop. Dogs have taken off together and Slick starts barking, Lefty with him. That was when I realized that I didn't have a gun. That's a first for me. I was only about 300 yards from the truck, so I ran back and got my gun, dogs still barking on a tree, so I went to them. My marathon ended at a big fat den tree, again. That was one of those moments when I had to ask myself if this was actually still fun, and my answer was a resounding "fuck no, dumbass." Slick not ready to quit and he had raced off to find me another squirrel. I could not get Lefty to move, literally. he just stood right next to me refusing to hunt. I put him on a lead and was rather hoping that Slick would not find anything, circle back and we would call it a day. Well, about that time, Slick started barking, and he's out there a ways, perhaps off of the public ground. And he's barking and howling and treed solid. He ain't coming back until I go get him, so I loosed Lefty and started marching. Slick treed just off the public ground about 30 yards on the one tree in a nasty briar thicket. Sure enough, he had one. Frankly, I did not give the fact that I was now trespassing by a few feet a second thought. I could not move around the tree to get a shot because of the 8 foot tall multiflora rose. My lateral movement only caused squirrel to move around. I tried for a few minutes to get any sort of shot, but all I could see was feet. Slick did such a wonderful job, not only finding this one, but stayed treed for a long time. I wanted to give him this one, but I had to give up as there was no way I was going to get a reasonable shot. I called them off of the tree, gave Slick the love he deserved and began the long walk back to the truck. Our day was now over for real. Two in the bag, one left hanging, one outwitted me. Not exactly a great day for the shooter. A miserable day for Lefty, another successful day for Slick. I was so tired and pissed off I did not bother with pics or to update this thread. I just did not want to relive the day.