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Death by a thousand cuts


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I agree with Beener on the Republicans look more like the Democrats of my fathers era.... JFK if he was around today would be a Republican....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
They will still continue to win the popular vote and by a bigger margain. With attrition to Conservative states it won't take long as they have more kids than we do and are also in the process of adding the illegals, future voters, to their ranks.

We already have States that don't follow .Gov laws with no consequence (sanctuary, drugs, etc...) so how far do you think of a stretch it is that they will enforce unconstitutional gun laws?

We've done fugged up and let everything go National instead of being what it was meant to be....left to the States.

They have a plan of nudges, attrition and they are patient. They have a unified front whereas the Right (which is actually moderate) gives at every opportunity and I believe its planned. Very few true fighters out there.

The majority votes for Santa, handouts. Nothing will change this around until the people have nothing left to give.
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They will still continue to win the popular vote and by a bigger margain. With attrition to Conservative states it won't take long as they have more kids than we do and are also in the process of adding the illegals, future voters, to their ranks.

We already have States that don't follow .Gov laws with no consequence (sanctuary, drugs, etc...) so how far do you think of a stretch it is that they will enforce unconstitutional gun laws?

We've done fugged up and let everything go National instead of being what it was meant to be....left to the States.

They have a plan of nudges, attrition and they are patient. They have a unified front whereas the Right (which is actually moderate) gives at every opportunity and I believe its planned. Very few true fighters out there.

The majority votes for Santa, handouts. Nothing will change this around until the people have nothing left to give.
Well then what are we supposed to do?

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
They will still continue to win the popular vote and by a bigger margain. With attrition to Conservative states it won't take long as they have more kids than we do and are also in the process of adding the illegals, future voters, to their ranks.

We already have States that don't follow .Gov laws with no consequence (sanctuary, drugs, etc...) so how far do you think of a stretch it is that they will enforce unconstitutional gun laws?

We've done fugged up and let everything go National instead of being what it was meant to be....left to the States.

They have a plan of nudges, attrition and they are patient. They have a unified front whereas the Right (which is actually moderate) gives at every opportunity and I believe its planned. Very few true fighters out there.

The majority votes for Santa, handouts. Nothing will change this around until the people have nothing left to give.
Well then what are we supposed to do?

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We are past the point of return. They will use the debt crisis to further government control. It will take a complete breakdown to reset.

Our responsibility is to be honest and educate those who are willing to listen.

Who knows though the Millennials are starting to sway less liberal. It is generally a pendulum that swings back and forth. About every 30 years. The difference now, in the US, is the debt. Both "sides" are driving it.
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We are past the point of return. They will use the debt crisis to further government control. It will take a complete breakdown to reset.

Our responsibility is to be honest and educate those who are willing to listen.

Who knows though the Millennials are starting to sway less liberal. It is generally a pendulum that swings back and forth. About every 30 years. The difference now, in the US, is the debt. Both "sides" are driving it.

As a millennial I hope so. I just refuse to believe that America is over. It has to be that shining city on the hill because there is nobody else.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
What has happened to our rights since I’ve been on this earth would have the generation that raised my generation fuming... What do you think will transpire in your lifetime? What do you think this country will look like when you’re pushing 60?
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What has happened to our rights since I’ve been on this earth would have the generation that raised my generation fuming... What do you think will transpire in your lifetime? What do you think this country will look like when you’re pushing 60?
I'm hoping more free. It just depends which way we go. And I think beener is right. We have been swinging hard to the left for awhile. I think we are starting to swing back right and I hope it continues

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Dignitary Member
Staff member
As a millennial I hope so. I just refuse to believe that America is over. It has to be that shining city on the hill because there is nobody else.

Every great civilization will fall. The Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Roman Empire, all gone. Once mighty germany reduced to rubble after WWII, Grece, spain, and the former Soviet union, even the great sprawling empire of Kahn. America is not immune. We have existed for such a tiny period of time as a nation, and even a much smaller time as a world superpower. Really only in the past 100 years have we been a world power. Look at the collapse of europe since the days of columbus and ruling the high seas. I agree with beaner in that we are past the point if no return. This does not mean we will cease to exist anymore than Venezuela at worst, Europe at best. Throughout history there is only one way the divisiveness we see today has ever ended and it ended with bloodshed. We have not seen our last civil war, attack on US soil, or great depression. We will go on as a people, in what capacity is yet unknown. I have said it for years, liberalism is the greatest enemy America has ever faced. But here is something for you to consider. We are a nation of the people, if the majority of people want a socialistic liberal nation then who is the one who is wrong.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
What has happened to our rights since I’ve been on this earth would have the generation that raised my generation fuming... What do you think will transpire in your lifetime? What do you think this country will look like when you’re pushing 60?
I'm hoping more free. It just depends which way we go. And I think beener is right. We have been swinging hard to the left for awhile. I think we are starting to swing back right and I hope it continues

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Debt. Debt is the plan to keep that from happening.

It's already being done...

- Make the "rich" the issue (albeit undefined who the rich are).

- Spend and tax is the answer

- Make more groups entitlement eligible

- Have .Gov and their subordinates (i.e. media) in control of major parts of our economy (healthcare, internet, etc...)

- Demonize capitalism and business

Let it all get so bad and fail so that the only answer is .Gov intervention in everything.

The only fix to the debt problem is for a entity big enough to fix it...the .Gov

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As a millennial I hope so. I just refuse to believe that America is over. It has to be that shining city on the hill because there is nobody else.

Every great civilization will fall. The Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, the Roman Empire, all gone. Once mighty germany reduced to rubble after WWII, Grece, spain, and the former Soviet union, even the great sprawling empire of Kahn. America is not immune. We have existed for such a tiny period of time as a nation, and even a much smaller time as a world superpower. Really only in the past 100 years have we been a world power. Look at the collapse of europe since the days of columbus and ruling the high seas. I agree with beaner in that we are past the point if no return. This does not mean we will cease to exist anymore than Venezuela at worst, Europe at best. Throughout history there is only one way the divisiveness we see today has ever ended and it ended with bloodshed. We have not seen our last civil war, attack on US soil, or great depression. We will go on as a people, in what capacity is yet unknown. I have said it for years, liberalism is the greatest enemy America has ever faced. But here is something for you to consider. We are a nation of the people, if the majority of people want a socialistic liberal nation then who is the one who is wrong.
They are.

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This country has been steadily declining since WWII and the greatest generation. That was the last time that America collectively got behind something and stood together. That kind of strength and unity behind principles is hard to beat. Beginning with the boomers and then gen x and now the millennials it’s been downhill ever since. Like @Jackalope said, every dog has his day and the sun is quickly setting on America’s.


Senior Member
teach your children history. Socialism has a 100% failure rate throughout history. freedom is more than a basic human right, it is a state of mind.

"The truth is this: The march of providence is slow, and our desires so impatient; the work of progress so immense and our means of aiding it so feeble; the life of humanity so long, that of the individual so brief; we often see only the ebb of the advancing wave and are thus discouraged. It is history that teaches us hope." - Robert E. Lee


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Where are we headed? What's different today than 50 years ago? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out when the country is faced with major problems such as North Korea and Syria and you turn on the news and hear about GOLDEN SHOWERS...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
In my opinion it all starts with parenting, or the lack of it i should say. The majority has lost the drive to raise kids who will become adults that are better off than they were. As a nation we have incentivised shity people to have kids, they breed with complete disregard to the impact of having children. It'll be OK because some magical fairy gives me a food allowance, housing allowance, subsidized childcare, and medical for my kids. They then go on to have more because there were no consequences for the first one. By in large they don't raise these children but rather teach them to feel like they are owed the handouts they receive. They were never wanted they simply existed because of poor decisions and lack of consequences. This then makes it very expensive for working class people to make a family. In short the trash of this nation is out breeding the responsible adults and we are paying them to do so.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
In my opinion it all starts with parenting, or the lack of it i should say. The majority has lost the drive to raise kids who will become adults that are better off than they were. As a nation we have incentivised shity people to have kids, they breed with complete disregard to the impact of having children. It'll be OK because some magical fairy gives me a food allowance, housing allowance, subsidized childcare, and medical for my kids. They then go on to have more because there were no consequences for the first one. By in large they don't raise these children but rather teach them to feel like they are owed the handouts they receive. They were never wanted they simply existed because of poor decisions and lack of consequences. This then makes it very expensive for working class people to make a family. In short the trash of this nation is out breeding the responsible adults and we are paying them to do so.
All in the plan.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
In my opinion it all starts with parenting, or the lack of it i should say. The majority has lost the drive to raise kids who will become adults that are better off than they were. As a nation we have incentivised shity people to have kids, they breed with complete disregard to the impact of having children. It'll be OK because some magical fairy gives me a food allowance, housing allowance, subsidized childcare, and medical for my kids. They then go on to have more because there were no consequences for the first one. By in large they don't raise these children but rather teach them to feel like they are owed the handouts they receive. They were never wanted they simply existed because of poor decisions and lack of consequences. This then makes it very expensive for working class people to make a family. In short the trash of this nation is out breeding the responsible adults and we are paying them to do so.
A well described version of me saying more eligible for entitlements.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
It’s incremental. Every “minor” or “common sense” in law makes it slightly harder to own or use firearms. Over time more and more people either can’t own guns or find laws about owning guns confusing or finding a place to shoot difficult or expensive. And it isn’t just laws. When I was in school the library had Sports Afield and Outdoor Life magazines and books about shooting and hunting. I’m sure those are censored in most schools. It wasn’t unusual to see guns being shot for fun or hunting on TV shows.

There is a concerted effort to stigmatize private gun ownership. Gradually as more and more people aren’t gun owners or they don’t have gun owning friends and family it’s easier to get them to agree with stricter laws.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I remember as a kid watching Kurt Gowdy American sportsman on he weekends... Always looked forward to the show as well as the local outdoor news show with Jerry Blinsly? Told is where all the hot fishing spots were for the week lol...
We still have fishing shows on but when’s the last time you saw a hunting show on ESPN?