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OS 2010/2011 contest


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
And I wanna be on Swantucky's team, so I can redeem myself to him from my dismal performance last year.

No worries!! I honestly don't care for contests, etc., to me its you and the deer when it comes down to it The only reason I have signed up for the OS deal in the past is to try and get to know some other folks on the site. These forums to me are for fun, being a smartass and joking around. If I can help I will, I just don't expect nor should anyone else to learn some "secret" formula to killing big deers. Are there things to learn?? Sure!! Hard work and willing to go the extra mile are what put deer on the ground most of the time.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No worries!! I honestly don't care for contests, etc., to me its you and the deer when it comes down to it The only reason I have signed up for the OS deal in the past is to try and get to know some other folks on the site. These forums to me are for fun, being a smartass and joking around. If I can help I will, I just don't expect nor should anyone else to learn some "secret" formula to killing big deers. Are there things to learn?? Sure!! Hard work and willing to go the extra mile are what put deer on the ground most of the time.

Swannie, I haven't learned a damned thing about deerhunting from any of your posts. But the pearl you gave me was my favorite new word....FUCKTARD


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
Swannie, I haven't learned a damned thing about deerhunting from any of your posts. But the pearl you gave me was my favorite new word....FUCKTARD

Well then you have learned something!

I just don't have much to offer when it comes to most hunting situations. I bait the fuck out of them on small properties and hunt hard on the others. Funny, I just don't worry or get too worked up about it anymore. I'll shoot some arrows thru my ugly rig next week using my ugly form and somehow manage to kill my 2-4 deer this season. Probably will be does because I only kill a buck every 3-4 years. In the meantime I hope to increase your use of not only swear words but words that sound like swear words and possibly give you a few new funny expessions to use.
p.s. I stole the word "fucktard" from MMM.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dannmann- You are not alone. Truth be told, I am a relative newbie to deer hunting. Hunted small game when I was younger, but only got into deer hunting in the last few years. In my honest opinion i think I am a better hunter because of it. At an earlier age I might have been less inclined to read and listen. At an earlier age there were not near the resources available to learn. I read the magazines, watched the shows/videos, but I learned more from the internet. Last year I put in 141.25 hrs in the woods hunting. Who knows how many road scouting? Last year was the year I was able to implement a lot of what I had been reading and absorbing on the net. However, there are many which are going to be sponges to the knowledge on the forums like you and I have been, but there will be many more that are half a brain cell away from being institutionalized! We can teach what we know, but we need willing listeners. I have learned a ton, but have much much much to learn yet! My scouting (both in season and out of season in the winter snow trails and summer road scouting trips), trail camera placement, and buck sightings have increased dramatically this year as compared to last year. I owe much (if not all) of this to the knowledge I have picked up by listening. Crazy thing too considering how much I talk. hahaha


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
"Even if you show me what not to do, I still learned something for you..."

There is always a chance to learn and sometimes learning from other dumbasses and their mistakes can be as valuable as a day spent in the woods with Gern. I have learned a ton from the forums over the years and from the relationships that were created thanks to the forums. I take this shit serious and I consider it a valuable part of my hunting arsenal...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
"Even if you show me what not to do, I still learned something for you..."

There is always a chance to learn and sometimes learning from other dumbasses and their mistakes can be as valuable as a day spent in the woods with Gern. I have learned a ton from the forums over the years and from the relationships that were created thanks to the forums. I take this shit serious and I consider it a valuable part of my hunting arsenal...

You calling me a dumbass? I resemble that remark!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I happened to be wandering around the internet today, and checked up on OS. It looks like they lost the Hunting Contest Sign-up Thread again...


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Screw their contest, I'm done with that place and their contests.

The only reason I signed back up the second time was because I thought we was still trying to get a TOO team lol. That's why I wish he would have lost the entire thing again because I wouldn't have signed back up now knowing we aren't going to try it anymore :D.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Poor Charlie. I really like that guy. This has got to have him pretty bummed on top of dealing with his brother. I didn't sign up the second time anyway.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
The teams have been announced over on OS for the contest and look at my team lol.

Team #3
