Car is pretty cherry. Frame is fine, still plenty solid. Amazingling doesn't smell of rat piss. My overall judgement and next suggestion to him was to buy my buddies 427 and put it in the car. Don't sell it. Put a couple grand into the damn thing and keep it. Seriously, who can say they have a 1967' convertible stingray? I can't! And for what he'll have into this car...he being a dumbass if he doesn't. Like I told him (because it has to be out of the garage it's in now by July), let's put it in my garage and rebuild it.
I'm not gonna look back, but wasn't this my fear or washing the fucking thing?!
Sorry I didn't get anymore pics. I was amazed and didn't even want to touch the car because I knew I'd become attached. It did come with some old duck decoys and I told dad I wanted one of those. Lol