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Ohio Habitat Work

Those are the fun type of projects that you will see your dividends come fall.

Find a local with a backhoe to dig out your stumps.
Maybe eventually I will. I need to get some other things done like getting a driveway put in down to the cabin and get the inside finished. Right now that is taking the funds first. Probably by the time I will get the money for the stumps they will be rotted out. :cool:
Got the food plots fertilized, sprayed, and seeded this weekend. I sprayed about 3 weeks ago, but there was some new growth of weeds and crap coming up so I gave it another dose of gly. The downside is it rained not too long after I sprayed. Didn't rain alot so hopefully it will work.

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr

Also got the platform and steps up on the one elevated hunting blind that we are building. My Dad built it for us, so everything is already cut. I was solo this weekend so I wasn't able to put up the walls. The walls are already built in 4 sections, so it won't take long to finish.

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr
Digging that platform! You need to buy yourself a little D4 dozer! ;)

Yes I could. Kinda sucks because at home I have a 65 HP tractor that I can do stuff with. Don't have a truck and trailer big enough to pull it down to camp. Really sucks having to do everything by hand. Of course since I now work in the office and am out of shape, the hand work actually does me some good.
Well we managed to get the treestand finished this weekend. Should work out well. The clover in the plots has germinated, but is just peeking thru the ground. Alot of the stuff that I sprayed last week in the plot with gly is turning brown so the rain didn't hurt it.

Also the last pic is part of the trail that I sprayed the crossbow herbicide to kill the multi-flora rose and other junk. It is working well too, but it may be difficult to see in the pic. I am going to do some more batches of it this summer to kill some more of the junk along the trails.

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr

by cspot12, on Flickr

by cspot12, on Flickr

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr
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Went down this weekend and weedwhacked all of the trails and mowed around the cabin. I am not overly thrilled at my plots down there. The clover has germinated, but there is a bunch of weeds coming in too. Will see how it works out. I sprayed twice with roundup on these, so I was hoping not to get much weeds for a while. Will just have to see what happens. Didn't take any pics of the 2nd plot but it looks the same.

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr
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nice look plots, if you dont have luck with a spring plant just do a grain/brassica mix this fall and add clover - next spring youll have a good stand and mow the cover crop off. Spring planting can be a bitch!
nice look plots, if you dont have luck with a spring plant just do a grain/brassica mix this fall and add clover - next spring youll have a good stand and mow the cover crop off. Spring planting can be a bitch!

Yes Spring planting can be tough. I have had clover that didn't look very good the 1st year, but then seems like the 2nd year that it takes off. Not being able to till there really makes it tough too. Maybe in a year or 2 enough of the stumps will be rotted away that I can take a rototiller and work it up a little.
Well I am officially disappointed. I have alot of weeds growing which I hoped wouldn't be too bad since I hit twice with Gly. Also the clover is spotty. Not sure if maybe some of the seed got washed in all of the rain? Don't know but with not being able to till that is a possibility. Not planning on doing anything with it this year other than probably mowing it later in the year. Will see how it looks in Spring and decide what to do. The clover that is up does look pretty good though.

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr

Untitled by cspot12, on Flickr
Did you run over your plot with a quad or side by side after broadcasting the seed?

No. I thought with the dead vegetation it would hold the seed. I have never had an issue with clover, but with the rain we have been having that could make a difference. The one plot, I can't get to yet with a quad. Probably can by next winter though once I do some more cutting.