Coming up on 4 years since I was laid off from my "dream" job. I'm now in my second job and industry since then, and my 4th industry since leaving college in 2005. I've had 6 job titles and worked for 7 different brands. My career path is very typical of today's careers and highlights why we should be constantly be learning new skills. When I got laid off, I scoffed at all the people who said: "this happened for a reason and you'll be better off some day". I owe those people a huge "THANK YOU" for inspiring me to keep plowing ahead.
Last night I was honored with my first appointment to a Board of Directors. It was also confirmed that I'll be taking over as Chairman for one of the subcommittees of that same Board. Both opportunities are huge honors and it fulfills a career-long goal of mine. I received some great feedback at my 6 month eval this week in my new job, so it's been a great week professionally.
I share that as evidence that even when we think we're fucked, if we keep grinding, keep putting one foot in front of the other and stay positive, we'll come out the other side better of for having done so. My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption and the line about Andy crawling through a mile of shit and coming out clean defines my last 4 years. For the first time since the day before I was laid off, I feel clean.
Happy Friday fuggers!