Just read this article. Should hopefully make some people think twice about following the regulations. https://news.yahoo.com/alaska-moose-poacher-fined-100-000-sentenced-jail-213527205.html
That’s what they say.Alaska doesn’t mess around with waste of meat. Canada has harsh penalties also....a guide once told me that he would spend less time in jail if he shot a person than if he shot a moose out of season....don’t know how true that is but it did get the point across that they don’t play when it comes to poaching a moose!
That’s what they say.
As far as the meat...they go as far as to say you must take the tongue. Don’t let them find a animal with a tongue still in it. They will find you! The rack is also the last thing to be taken from the field.
Those guys doing that aren’t hunting for sport, they need the meat to get to spring. You kill when the game comes, same with salmon. None of those animals go to waste. Every bit get used. Subsistence living
That family probably is a huge support to the local village. You can also proxy hunt and fish in Alaska. I can see your point here, but many remote places don’t have s store you go to, you run over to Myballsfrozztomylegz house and trade him rice/sugar/salt for meat. Hard to explain, but I don’t have a problem with it as it doesn’t go to waste and they help each other. Not like they sell stuff for profit, trade/bargain system. I ran my store on the same system. Money is only worth so much, but trade me some time or something you no longer need, we can make a deal. Taught a lot of young troops that you can get what you need without a dollar paid.Well seeing they had killed a moose the week before. Watching the show it was a family of five I believe. When they had done that to the caribou they said they use it to trade as well.
These people killed enough animals/caught enough fish etc to feed a whole damn army. Way beyond what they needed.
Dudes wife tho. Did use damn near every piece of animal, coats jacket bones etc. She was one smart Eskimo.. They were killing for trade. In quite a few instances.
You see the one where Agnes (the woman u speak of) sucks the eggs out of a live whitefish from the river? I dont know if I cringed or if it turned me on alittle bit......
Ok Floki...here she is....I missed that one. If it’s the same lady I’m thinking of I probably would kiss her husband before her.
Somone find that clip and play it here. We need to take a vote! Lmao nah really I want to see that.
Maybe this will help....Seriously, I just dry heaved...![]()