IMO... This will prove to be a big mistake by the Pa. Game Commission... Only thing I see happening is more hunting camps in Northern Pa. empty during deer season... Long gone will be the trek North to Potter, Tioga, Cameron, Bradford Counties on Sat. morning after Thanksgiving to open up camp and begin a ritual that has gone on for years... Sat. morning would start with a walk in the wood's to check out your favorite spot, clean the leaves out from around the tree you were going to stand or sit by come Monday morning... Come back to camp and throw a few bucks in the kitty prior to everyone checking their guns, best grouping won the pool... Sunday morning would start with a nice breakfast and bullshit session of years gone by... Then off to a local establishment to watch a football game or two and bullshit with the local's that you've become friends with over the years... Then back to camp and off to bed with high expectations for Monday morning... Most would stay in camp till Wed. before heading home even if they scored on Monday...
So I can see this Sat. opening throwing a big monkey wrench into a long time tradition... I can see it now at Bob's house on Thanksgiving...Bob's wife's parent's drove up from Florida to spend Thanksgiving with them... As Bob finishes his Thanksgiving dinner and get's up from the table, his wife ask's: Honey where you going??? Bob responds: Honey, I gotta go pack the truck as I'm leaving for deer camp in the morning as deer season starts Sat. morning... Bob's wife stands there in disbelief as here parents just drove for hours to spend a few day's with them... How many times will this happen before Bob's wife changes the lock's for his arrival home... So Thanksgiving will play a big role in this...
And without Sunday hunting, how many will drive hours to camp to hunt a day and sit around on Sunday??? Many will just opt to hunt local around their house Monday.... Or they'll just not hunt anymore as a week they used to look forward to is gone... So I see over the years less license's being sold rather than more... As for kid's???? As long as I remember the opening of buck week that Monday was a scheduled day off on the school calendar...