Realy dont taste like ant other mushroom. One of the easiest,and best wayz is just wash them with water or soak in salt water for few cut in half length wise and saute in a litle butter and garlic powder if u like it. Some people batter or stuff them, any way there delicious but easiest is saute.Even if you dont like them, there are sites where people are always wanting to buy them. Ive seen them go for 30 to 60$ a pound. Hunting them is half the fun, and when u find one, more often than not theres more than one around. Cant mistake them, look like a sponge on top.Theres black, grey ,tan, yellow and gold. The last ones to come up are the golds and they can get enormous, seen a couple golds up to a pound and half apiece. Size of beer cans. Theres one mushroom thats a false morel, looks a lityle similar but realy quite different. Post pics if your unsure, sure some one on here will help u out, but there pretty unmistakable.