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Random thought of mine...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Damn...freaking Asians are the original piñata people...


I was sitting around earlier thinking about how big of a pain in the ass truck shopping was. When it hit me, it was like swinging at a damn piñata with a blindfold on! Just keep swinging Champ...sooner or later you’ll hit it good and find the prize.

Then my mind ran off with how it all started...meanwhile, my wife was trying to have some serious talk with me about something. IDK, I wasn’t listening, I had important research I was doing.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Why are people in WV so angry...?

Is it the high taxes?

Is it because it’s the most miserable state to live in? Or is it rated that because the people just have piss poor attitudes...?