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2019 Stroud’s Gathering


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hope to get a huge turnout this year. Wonder if the unicorn will show up again.
Hopefully their night vision has gotten better....

For those that haven't been to an event: The first one is hard to commit to, especially being the "new guy"in town. Everyone had a first, and once you go to one, its hard to not want to make all of them. Great group to share camp with.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Hmmm... alamanac 2019 October
Screenshot_20190722-121406_Samsung Internet.jpg


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Hopefully I'll have elk backstraps to grill. It's going to be a hard sell after having been gone for three weeks then home for two weekends and gone for another but I'll get it done.

I found a good spot to hunt last year so I plan to murder the deer in there this year. We'll just keep swapping guys out until the deer wanna stop dying.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
I can’t wait to retire so I’ll have the time to make a couple of these events. Sure would be nice to put a face to the names on here. Strouds and Paint creek are not that far from my property in McArthur. I don’t have a camper so if I can’t rent a cabin on-site, I’ll just stay at the hotel in Logan and travel back and forth....I’ll just have to make sure I don’t drink a lot.