"It sucked for me, so it has to suck for you." Implementing Hammurabi's code into your parenting is a surefire way to make sure your kid's hate doing what you love doing. The "old school" tends to treat the "new school" with this "eye for an eye" approach. Those same people tend to ignore the concept of "continuous improvement" and lead lives of quiet desperation as they long for days past. They blame the new generation for being different, but make no effort to get to know them, and often forget they too were a "damn kid" at one point. Don't blame the kid. Don't blame the generation. And don't blame the device. Look inward and challenge yourself to connect with your kids in a way that's unique to you, your kids, and this point in time. Don't take the easy way out and say: "Well, this is how I did it, so you have to do it too..." That's just being lazy.
It was never said that it sucked. Not even close. If it sucked I and most others would have choose to opt out.
The old school trends made men. The new school well we see where that’s headed. Continuous improvement doesn’t start with a video game in the woods.Time with mom and dad with out having there face in a phone or game is improvement at its best. Or is the standard come with me to the woods and you can play you game?
In the mean time I’ll hunt for you. I’ve took many, many youths hunting. At a point you realize your hunting they are playing games., or doing some type of stupid shit. So yeah I blame the games I blame the device but mostly I blame me. You may be right about that.
Yet I believe Old school definitely has its place. New school is all about entitlement. You can’t cater to every need. You have to have a little adversity, there has to be a point you say no!
If not 20 years from now when they have kids they will be out there teaching kids how to spin records with there ear buds on. I truly wonder what the technology will be for hunting when my kid, is teaching his? How much of a challenge will it be, Would we even consider it a sport at that point?
I get the fact everyone wants the best for there kids. Yet how many times has anyone showed there kids adversity in the woods? It’s not a party it’s not game time.who knows maybe some day there life may depend upon it.
I guess it’s a delicate balance, old school/new school. I will entertain my son, but I will not hunt for him. Meaning you do what ya want. Till a deer shows up, Then I tell you get ready it’s coming. Well maybe once but never again. It’s not fair either way.
I just think every other hunt or so show the youths some adversity. See how they handle it.
Perhaps they are ready to go home, then you say okay. Ya get 25 feet of the truck and realize ya dropped your knife that ya didn’t. So ya go for a walk for another hour. Etc etc. Watch how they react. Therein I believe lies the truth.