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Back With a Surprise


What’s up guys?! I have been extremely busy with finishing up my bachelors degree, getting a new job in a extremely unique field, and trying to fit 3D shooting, fishing, and hunting. Oh and also I am doing my first bodybuilding competition in less than 2 weeks in Cleveland that I have been prepping for for almost 4.5 months now. BUT I did get a few hours between it all to get out tonight and I got it done!! I will do a full write up later as it was something more than a hunt for me tonight and this time felt different than any other time. But here are some teasers until I can get the full story up. This is my biggest buck to date.

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Hell yes! Congratulations

You look weird without the beard.

Great buck. Hey Joe and Jesse! I think someone hacked RSmith account. I don't see a foot long beard in this pic.

Hahaha I had to get rid of it! It was driving me nuts and too many people had beards so I wanted something different so I trimmed it all and left a 80’s cop stache

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hahaha I had to get rid of it! It was driving me nuts and too many people had beards so I wanted something different so I trimmed it all and left a 80’s cop stache

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Perv stache. You driving a van with no windows nowadays? Lol

Great buck! Seriously. He is a dandy. I'll quit teasing.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Well done man, well done. Good luck in Cleveland, that stache may bring a different kind of attention though. LOL