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Trapping season!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Will anyone else be out tomorrow setting a line? I'm so jacked I contemplated heading out at midnight to get some steel set. I'll mostly be targeting coon to help a local nature area protect spring turtle nests but it's still a damn good time. Sadly they aren't really worth putting a knife to for fur prices though. I may save some pelts to have some things made or if its an off color one though.


Junior Member
Lake County
I likely won’t run any lines this season. I love trapping and my oldest usually comes with me but with work I just won’t have the time.

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Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
Will anyone else be out tomorrow setting a line? I'm so jacked I contemplated heading out at midnight to get some steel set. I'll mostly be targeting coon to help a local nature area protect spring turtle nests but it's still a damn good time. Sadly they aren't really worth putting a knife to for fur prices though. I may save some pelts to have some things made or if its an off color one though.

Looking forward to muskrat and yotes again. Goodluck with your lines.
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Ragin Cajun.
News alert it deer season! No trapping for me, our rut isn’t till Christmas then pound some ducks. Good luck with the trapping.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I recently took a week-long trapping class and I may just buy my first ever furtaker permit this year. I'm really anxious to start running footholds for coyotes, but I may run a line for muskrats later this winter too. Up here we can trap them until March 15th. I think my son is going to love checking canine traps with me. He already gets fired up just checking mousetraps around the house and garage.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I recently took a week-long trapping class and I may just buy my first ever furtaker permit this year. I'm really anxious to start running footholds for coyotes, but I may run a line for muskrats later this winter too. Up here we can trap them until March 15th. I think my son is going to love checking canine traps with me. He already gets fired up just checking mousetraps around the house and garage.

What class did you take? I know nothing about trapping but need to take down some 'yotes.


Participation Trophy Winner
Been fighting the urge for a week or two, I almost started setting last week. I’m sure the yotes are still a little out from prime with as warm as it’s been. I did finally finish up all the k9 traps last week and placed an order to replace some bait and lures that were low. We’ll see I’m sure I’ll be driving stakes this week or next as obligations have severely hampered deer hunting for me this year but, I’ll be able to run a line in the dark morning.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
News alert it deer season! No trapping for me, our rut isn’t till Christmas then pound some ducks. Good luck with the trapping.

Sitting in a tree waiting and watching squirrels has lost its alure with me over the last couple years. Mostly due to my lack of time and having two young boys. Between spending time with them the little free time I have to go out and do stuff, I can think of far more entertaining stuff to do than sit in a tree for hours on end bored stiff. A trapline is like Christmas morning ever day. Doesn't take much time, and is active entertainment.
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Active Member
The Hills
I'd love to learn more about it. Never taken a class or got a license. I've only trapped nuisance chicken killin coons and man is it fun to get up and go check em before work and make the gun bark at 6am.
I've also never skinned anything for the purpose of fleshing and tanning either and have always thought itd be cool to make a coonskin cap to hang on the wall somewhere.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
What class did you take? I know nothing about trapping but need to take down some 'yotes.

You don't need the trapper education course to trap yotes. The best way I have found to simply catch them is drag a roadkill deer carcas in a thick area and then set a bunch of snares in a 50 yard circle around it on all trails. Doesn't test ones skill but it'll put a hurting on them.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'd love to learn more about it. Never taken a class or got a license. I've only trapped nuisance chicken killin coons and man is it fun to get up and go check em before work and make the gun bark at 6am.
I've also never skinned anything for the purpose of fleshing and tanning either and have always thought itd be cool to make a coonskin cap to hang on the wall somewhere.

You can download the trapper education manual and study it then fill out the test and mail it in. They'll send you your number in the mail so that you can buy a fur taker permit. It's a pretty quick process. The info is down at the bottom.



Active Member
The Hills


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Oh wow thanks, I didnt know this could be done outside an in person session. Awesome!

Open book that sucker and get it in tomorrows mail. If you buy your fur taker permit online your trapper ed number will be on your furtaker permit before you get your card in the mail because it's associated with your account. Just wait to buy it until the info shows up on it.


Junior Member
Used to trap alot as a kid. Absolutely loved it. Like Jackolope said its like Christmas everymorn. Spend so much time on a pocket set or any set for that matter. Trying to out whit them. Seeing eyes shining back at you from your set is fuckn awesome. Used to love mink and muskrat the most. Stopped when they gave me a dollar each for my coons. Had a red and grey fox the furrier in Chesterville wouldnt even buy cause know market. Only thing were mink at 20 to 40 and rats about 3 to 6. Would do it again if kids wanted to ..or tan my own hides. But wasnt any money .thats been over 30 some yrs ago. Coyotes would b target nowadays


Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
Hard to beat seeing a coyote in your trap when you are checking. Like others have said it is like Christmas morning. I always come around the corner leaning over the ATV handle bars in anticipation of what could be


Active Member
The Hills
I just filled out the home test today, gonna send it in soon and get a license as soon as I get it back. I'd kinda like to trap the red fox I have that always comes into my backyard. But I dont want to kill it, I figured itd be good practice of releasing anyways but what's the chances I mess him up?
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Participation Trophy Winner
First set put in yesterday.


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