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Night time saugeyes


Junior Member
Did find a husky jerk though b4 i was leaving. Caught alot on this color. Heres fish from morn and eve. One pic sucked cause was in hurry to keep. Casting. Didnt help


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Junior Member
Will twister tails get it done? Don’t think I have any hard plastic jerk baits.
Below dam in spillways. All i use is twister tails.. I throw double jigs as do alot of other people. Or i throw a single big joshy swimbait. Jigs are cheap and very effective. I dont throw jerk baits cause to expensive and lose them to the rocks. I have used them .And have lost them too to snags. The trick with jigs and twisters is to keep them bouncing on the bottom. They can be caught not bouncing bottom, at night mostly but feeling the jigs hittn and bouncing off rocks youl learn to feel the light hit and. Once you learn that its nothing to get a limit or at least a good stringer full when the prime time is going on. Prime time say for example at alum usualy is feb thru may after the water has been raging over top the dam, its way above sidewalk and in the grass fields . the more days of flooding the more eyes that come in. At alum majority come thru the big discharge tube. Have been down there when tube starts letting out more water and watched lots of big stunned fat eyes go floating on down stream. Chartruse green are some of better tail colors but variety is key. If not hitting on one color keep switching till you find what they want. Ill post when its getting good there. Youll also snag some in the spillway. Thats inevitable when theres hundreds af big fish in there. Wait till u get 5 to 10 lber hooked in tail. The fight is on. Use good string. Ive pulled in many eyes and muskys down there with jerkbaits and jigs stuck to them. But u get plenty of legal hooked fish too
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Junior Member
Twisters work just fine on main lake TOO. Joshy swimbaits are a true saugeye killer.on the lake. Rogues and husky jerks are around 6 to 9.00$ a piece. And once you get started on those and that it gets pricey over time. But well worth it when you learn them. Years ago id get skunked WAY more times then id get fish. Took a lot of time learning, but this and last year but especially this fall \ winter out of maybey 20 times ive had 3 or 4 skunks. Average..theres some damm good info on a site that if someone wants to learn about it. Ogf. Central oh reports. Called rainy night jerk bait limit by a guy called fishslim. Fished with him on alum and he truly knows how to fish these fish. He does seminars and you tube shows. That other site pretty much sucks compared to this site. But it can teach you years and years of combined knowledge.
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Participation Trophy Winner
Skunked twice tonight, went out at dark for an hour and a half then got bored at home and hit it again at 2200. Threw rogues and joshys, just wasn’t happening tonight I guess. Lost another pig the other night when I went to flip her out, needless to say, she’s got a rogue stuck to her face.


Junior Member
I got out in eve to and didnt get nothing either. Missed one of the biggest ive had in a long time. It was on for a bit and threw my rogue near shore. Only hit i had in hours. It was quite disappointing. Id like to get your fish John, it has a nice gift it comes with😁 lost 2 jerks last night. Must not have been agood night. Ya Troy is the saugeye master. Fished with him few times there at alum. Full of knowledge. Threw vibes and rattle trap also last night also with no luck. Buddy has hit a few in vibes of the docks recently in last couple weeks


Participation Trophy Winner
Played in the rain for a couple hours tonight. Took an a little bit to figure out what they wanted, then in true saugeye fashion it was on for 20 minutes and then the switch was turned off. Rotated baits for another hour with no luck. Did pick up a 23” fat girl.


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Junior Member
Nice John. Just takes the patience and being there when they turn on. That fatty had to be fun .. Last time i was out was last sun and got two ..was putting the second on my stringer and had my knee holding down stringer and somehow in the rain it pulled loose and fish with stringer took off. Never had that happen. Pouring rain. Bite was very sporadic. With this rain they mite let some water out to keep the water level in lake at winter pool. If so theyll be some eyes going into aspillway. They can caught in there now. Some some decent ones in there when there a week ago. Need it to flood for days. And then go back down under sidewalk itll be on. Usually feb thru april. Is when im getting my freezer filled. Heres one of the two from last time out. Just got back from n. Carolina putting in a bunch of glass shower doors in high end condos. Heading to Chicago next. Probly hitting it sun afternoon\ eve for a little. Ill post if do any good


Junior Member
Spillway fishing can be frustrating as well as very productive. Before you go have plenty of1/8 and 1/4 oz jig heads . Alum for example is all rocks on the bottom and youll get plenty of snags and loose jigs each trip. For best results you want to be bouncing of the rocks especially in day time. Dark theyll move off bottom some but primarily in daytime there near the bottom. Its a certain feel youll learn that takes some time getting it down but is definitely worth losing some jigs over. The biggest eyes ive ever gotten come in spring after some flooding for days. When water goes down for a week or two they can be loaded up in spillways in incredible numbers. Too the point that anyone can catch some. But ive gone down and people beside me have fished for hour or more and nothing and ive gotten hooked up in a cast or few. Best advice is bounce bottom .Jerkbaits are productive especialy in eve or after dark. But easy to loose in most spillways. Havnt been there in a couple years but deer creek spillway always did my brother and I good this time of year before the prime time of the lakes around me. It has bottom opening water releases and they seen to open them up frequently and when they do fish are comming thru.
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Junior Member
I think there are many on here who once they caught and then ate the saugeyes theyd be wanting more. Its not an easy fish or atleast if your targeting them . there are times but for most part there the most frustrating fish to go for. People on here like you and John know how rewarding it is when you get them dialed in and come home with a limit or even a few. Caught my first ones about 17 yrs ago fishing for crappie/catfish with bass minnows. From then on have been hooked . bass catfish gills crappie can be patterned for most part. These fish dont follow the rules and plan for many skunks as your learning the ways to get them. Its all year pursuit TOO. Spring is great for spillways then once the spawn is over they feed vigorously in the lakes and that is a great time for jigs and twisters tipped with night crawler or harnesses with night crawler jigs and minnows. Summer can be harder at times but can be extremely productive trolling cranks, flicker shads and such along points and flats. Fall is one of my favorite when temps start dropping in lake and they HAMMER jerkbaits. They can hit so hard and fight better than a musky at times. Then unlike this winter when ice is thick enough you can sit in a shanty with some holes drilled and watch tip ups with minnows as you jig with vibes or rapala jiggin raps. Alot of people say fuck that ice fishing, but pulling a fat eye or any fish for that matter up thru a hole in ice with a small pole can be a heck of a way to spend a winter day. It gets addicting and once you get into that its probly one of the more expensive ways. Started out with auger and bucket, then you get a shanty where it can be 10 degree out and your warm with heater or lantern . then hand augers do the job but a gas auger is way nicer. Then once you use a vexalar fish finder that lets you know when one is by your bait youl want that or what i like is a camera with a color screen that you can see your jigs or live bait down near bottom and can see the fish come check it out, watch it for a little then inhale it and take off. Thats the way to ice fish. These fish are the most rewarding to catch in my opinion and if you like walleye youll like them. I acually prefer them to the walleye ive caught from maumme or erie. Hope info helps out anyone on here that wants to start fishing for them. Its one of the few things that odnr does that really helps out sportsman and makes for a great day on our lakes. They put an average of around 450 thousand fingerlings or more in each of the lakes they stock .and with there appitte they can be a 18 to 21 inch fish within 4 years. Hoover has been getting a double stocking the past few years of around 800plus thousand a year with walleye being reintroduced also. Thats going to make hoover one of the best real soon. Indian is stocked with around half a million on average and buckeye is second i believe. Alot of people dont realize that oshaunessy dam is stocked full and a hot spot and below its dam and griggs dam the river is loaded with them. The pics of nice stringers will be comming frequently here in spring time.
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Junior Member
That is some of my go to lures. But you can use a plain jig with minnow or nightcrawler and that has caught shitloads. Dont need alot of gear . Trick is finding out what there wanting at that certain time. Change of color or bait can be the difference of skunk or limit at times. Extremely finicky fish


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Im really addicted to trolling for them at Indian Lake. Usually start around beginning of May once the walleye run is over. Usually power trolling 5cm flickershads gets a boat full of eyes along with quite a few slab crappies that do the main lake spawn. Usually went through 50-100 fish per outing last year to get a two man limit. Tons of the 14.99" fish to tease you.


Junior Member
Buckeye ice fishing was like that last year. Id get a bunch that were 14.3\4 inch. Need to hit indian more. That sounds like a blast. Cant wait for the spring/ summer. One of the best is rite after the main spillway run where I usually have a good deal of filletts stocked up, then you get a bunch of moreles. Awesome spring dinner ......fried fish with sauteed moreles.
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