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Where to buy?


Active Member
In the woods
Hello TOO members,
new on the site and sorry if this has been discussed before. Looking to buy some property with the hope to hunt some true big ohio bucks. My question is would it be a better buy to have a smaller chunk in the “big buck counties” or pay the same amount for a larger piece of property some where else?


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Hello TOO members,
new on the site and sorry if this has been discussed before. Looking to buy some property with the hope to hunt some true big ohio bucks. My question is would it be a better buy to have a smaller chunk in the “big buck counties” or pay the same amount for a larger piece of property some where else?

Welcome to the site. It's all going to come down to each individual property. 2 acres within the inner loop of Columbus in a relatively wooded residential area will be far more productive than 200 acres in rural Ohio. I'm very fond of saying that it isn't about having 1000 acres, it's about having the right 10. Keep in mind that areas with a reputation of "big bucks" will attract a ton of people and tend to drop out of notoriety pretty quick. As you find places let us know.


Active Member
In the woods
Welcome to the site. It's all going to come down to each individual property. 2 acres within the inner loop of Columbus in a relatively wooded residential area will be far more productive than 200 acres in rural Ohio. I'm very fond of saying that it isn't about having 1000 acres, it's about having the right 10. Keep in mind that areas with a reputation of "big bucks" will attract a ton of people and tend to drop out of notoriety pretty quick. As you find places let us know.
Thanks jackalope,
Will keep you all in the loop. In no hurry to just buy any property. Going to wait for what looks to be the right one


Senior Member
Comes down to your budget. The prime wooded residential 10 acres of housing development just off the highway in Columbus versus 500+ acres of rural country in which you might control some aspects.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I agree with the others and welcome!

I would jump all over a smaller piece that butts up to unhuntable land if I couldn’t afford 100+ acres. Either way you will have to deal with people and idiots. This state is like any other, deer are in pockets and those pockets change. Also chasing dead big bucks never made any sense to me. So don’t let someone sell you a piece that a 180” deer was found. Unless you’re looking for 7 acres with a nice house in SW Ohio. Nice hard bottomed creek and a long driveway. 😂


Junior Member
As others have said it’s all subjective. If you are specifically looking for a property to hunt and that’s the main reason for the property check it out beforehand. Take a walk through the properties(with permission) and look for signs, sheds, bedding, food sources, etc.
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Senior Member
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I'm in the same boat as you... Been looking at property to buy in Ohio for several years now... I'm looking more for a house with property if that means anything... Unlike most things, size doesn't matter when considering good hunting land... Location means much more... 10 acres next to an area that is closed to hunting is by far much better than 100 acres next to state land that gets pounded... I wanna be next to a piece that harbors deer so they get some age... Come the rut they will wander off onto your piece...Most of your pigs are killed next to cities or major developments... Two things that play an important part in my search is mineral rights and has the property been logged...
I hunt Illinois and have access to a ton of property... Our best piece is 17 acres...


Active Member
In the woods
I'm in the same boat as you... Been looking at property to buy in Ohio for several years now... I'm looking more for a house with property if that means anything... Unlike most things, size doesn't matter when considering good hunting land... Location means much more... 10 acres next to an area that is closed to hunting is by far much better than 100 acres next to state land that gets pounded... I wanna be next to a piece that harbors deer so they get some age... Come the rut they will wander off onto your piece...Most of your pigs are killed next to cities or major developments... Two things that play an important part in my search is mineral rights and has the property been logged...
I hunt Illinois and have access to a ton of property... Our best piece is 17 acres...
Fletch, timber value is a huge selling point. Being able to get some value back is always a plus.
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Senior Member
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Fletch, timber value is a huge selling point. Being able to get some value back is always a plus.
EXACTLY.... That's why I wouldn't even consider a parcel that has been logged... Why would I pay top dollar for a bunch of rotting tree tops...
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I agree with the others... location location location. It doesn’t matter what county it’s in. There are big deer all over Ohio. What matters is how one property relates to the properties surrounding it. Try to find a piece near a park, or refuge... not necessarily state or public-owned... anywhere that restricts hunting access. Deer have to get old to get big, and it’s nothing for mature bucks to travel 3 miles or more. If you can get close to an area that harbors deer, you’ll see quality bucks. Look for areas of relatively poor quality farm ground. Ottawa County comes to mind. Hydric soil, relatively poor crop yields, means lower land prices. It also means availability of CRP and CREP easement programs that pay you to put habitat on the ground. Think about how you could find a spot where the land helps pay for itself.


These 2 and 6 others very similar in one spot on 10 acres and only about 2 acres of that are woods, it's attached to a big farm with only 1 Hunter. Location location location is key.


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I might be selling a big updated 4/5 bedroom house on 52 acres in Stark co. real soon. Listing at $375k for reference. 30 acres timber the rest overgrown hay field and mowed pasture.
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Senior Member
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Seen a piece listed in Vinton County.. 31 acres and small house (needed repair)... $31,000... Had check book in hand and ready for a road trip... Called realtor... She said it's 2 ACRES.... Figures as I saw it on Zillow.....