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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker


Staff member
Probably. People keep laughing this off until it lands at their feet. This isn't a joke folks.

There are two classic fables living out before our eyes with the "fake" news. Chicken Little and The Boy Who Cried Wolf. People will die as much from ignorance as the virus, or whatever the next issue is that falls victim to people's distrust of the media.


Dignitary Member
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NW Ohio Tundra
March madness is about to happen also. Including state high school boys and girls basketball tournaments and of course the NCAA tournament. Can you imagine all these games without fans in the stands?
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Sorry that I disappeared yesterday. I'm neck-deep professionally in Pandemic Response Planning. To share, here was the opening statement from my 3 letter level brief yesterday.

COVID-19 What we know.
: State, Local, and National Governments have been unable to contain the virus. Community spread exists in numerous states with new states identified daily.

Transmission Rate: WHO's estimated Ro to be between 1.4 and 2.5 (Seasonal Flu 1:3) ( A growth factor above 1 indicates spread, whereas a factor between 0 and 1 is a sign of decline)

Incubation Period: 2-14 Days.

Severity: 80.9% of infections are mild / 13.8% Severe / 4.7% Critical. / 2% +/- Fatality rate

Recovery: Mild cases: approximately 2 weeks / Severe or critical disease: 3 - 6 weeks / time from onset to the development of severe disease 1 week

SUMMARY: COVID-19 is as contagious if not twice as contagious as the seasonal flu. While the flu has a vaccine to slow transmission, COVID does not. A vaccine is not expected to be available for over a year. Roughly 81% of cases will require a 2 week recovery period, with 18.5% of cases requiring 3-6 week recovery period. 52% of Americans received a flu shot last year and an estimated 5-20% of the US population contracted the flu. Without a vaccine, it is reasonable to suspect that 10-40% of Americans will contract the COVID virus at the minimum transmission rate of R0 1.4.
Soon to be Michigan listed, you heard it here first LOL! My wife has been reluctant to see my sense of urgency on getting a few things together and I am pretty sure her and my daughter think I'm overreacting. It might be nothing but.....her store manager had to go over to one of the other stores to take care of things because that manager is so sick with the flu/pneumonia. Same manager was just at a big vendor show that was held in Orlando about a week ago. If it's nothing then meh they told me so but it sure makes you stop and think. My response to her just now was Hmm, I don't sound so crazy when it gets closer to home. Guess she wants to go shopping now.
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Dignitary Member
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At current spread, it is inevitable that we too will eventually share the same impact that's happening in washington. There are multiple states with evidence of community transmission. 2-14 days for the development of symptoms, 1 week for progression to a severe case where medical care is usually sought. This means that a virus will be in the community for 9-21 days before being identified. By then the only thing remaining to do is brace for incoming cases as a foothold has been firmly established.


Dignitary Member
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North Central Ohio
Our company has developed a Coronavirus Project Management Office to monitor the situation and provide guidance on a range of issues and business decisions. The first action is to limit travel.

We now have strict international travel restrictions and the belt is tightening on domestic travel.

Customers are asking, looking to, or are placing 4+wks of orders vs. normal daily demand.

My only hope with this is that the schools close like they did in Italy and my wife is able to stay home with the boys. If push comes to shove I have the ability to work from home but that will require a business wide objective.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
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Hardin County
Work just sent a notice out that all air travel has been restricted, both foreign and domestic. I also have the ability to work from home, so will be interesting to see if they allow us to do so if things get worse.