Currently @Mike is working on a design.
@Quantum673 has reached out to his T-Shirt folks and they said they will need $ and sizes/qty by April 15th.
The only thing left to figure out is the color of the shirts. Vote on the color you would like to see the shirts. Last year we did Blue with White writing.
The poll is set to close in 7 days. Once we have a design and color figured out Ill post a link and price per shirt for payments. If you guys have any questions, let me know.
We will start a food thread once we get a little closer.
@Quantum673 has reached out to his T-Shirt folks and they said they will need $ and sizes/qty by April 15th.
The only thing left to figure out is the color of the shirts. Vote on the color you would like to see the shirts. Last year we did Blue with White writing.
The poll is set to close in 7 days. Once we have a design and color figured out Ill post a link and price per shirt for payments. If you guys have any questions, let me know.
We will start a food thread once we get a little closer.