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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It is a brotherhood. I will let the moderators explain it better. This is our core group of guys that can be trusted and counted on. Stick around. Post plenty and get to know us. Meet up with us at some bow shoots or get togethers. Once you have made it through this trial period or probationary period and we know you can be trusted, then it is a possibility. It is not anything where we are trying to be exclusive. There just has to be a level of trust that information shared (such as hunting locations or trail camera pictures) is not going to be jeopardized. This is a hard core group of hunters and we all value the opportunities we have. Not everyone is going to make it. Not everyone will be excluded though.

You are going the right direction though. Post on here and get to know us. Don't be a stranger. Many guys will post just before the season and disappear. Come back and start bs and stupid nonsense then expect to be admitted into the Private forums. This is not going to get them in. Welcome to the site! I appreciate your posts so far. Hope this makes sense.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Edit.. LOL hicks beat me to it.. I think he summed it up quite well.

Original post.
To be honest John, just be yourself. Hang around, get to know people here on the public side. Shoot the shit and make friends.. Eventually someone will stick their neck out for you and ask the other members vote on your membership.. I have no control over it. They have to trust and know new members to stick their neck out for them... Most of the members there have known each other for a good long while on other forums. The key to the private side is they all must trust each other with the information they are sharing. Some share info on a buck they have located. They might want to share a map and ask questions about how to hunt a buck.. Info like that they don't want anyone on the internet to be able to find. Anyone can read this site.. Many times people have lost good spots because some person saw the thread on Google and searched maps to zone in on them. Then whip out the checkbook and lease it right out from under them.. They may still share the buck and threads with the members here on the public side. But if it's info that needs to be kept secret they might share more over there.

If someone here isn't in there tt's not saying anything bad about any member here. It's just they need to get to know people before bringing them in there. You have made some good posts and fit in nicely here and we're glad to have you. Just keep on being you and the day will come where one of them will ask.

Look at Ernie.. Many people didn't like him over on OS. But he came to the BEC shoot last August. He camped that night with most of the group that's on the private side and we got to know him around the fire with beer. He's a cool dude. Just get to know people John. We're all friends here no matter the side of the forums we can see. Eventually someone will ask.


Senior Member
Look at Ernie.. Many people didn't like him over on OS. But he came to the BEC shoot last August. He camped that night with most of the group that's on the private side and we got to know him around the fire with beer. He's a cool dude.

I love how I've become the poster child who went from being a punk ass kid that Jesse almost drove to PA to spit tobaccy on his shoes and beat up to someone with better questions, smarter posts, and then to be accepted. :D Don't worry, I've still got a little bastard in me! I just saw how big Swantucky was and didn't want any part of that!

Johnch- their advice is good. Take it from me, I pissed nearly all of these guys off and now consider them to be my hunting mentors and many of them great friends. After amassing around a thousand posts, I got bored and stirred the pot, almost got kicked off the other site. Then I woke up and realized that there is a hell of a lot more than just arguing (though as someone going into law, you won't find someone who loves to argue more..it's just like rabbit hunting!). I started reading three times more than I posted, only contributed what I thought was sound advice, and started asking solid questions. There is a wealth of information and help to be had, a TON of good stories to read, jokes to laugh at...this is truly a great place. Stick around, post some pictures (we LOVE pictures) and make some friends. If you get a chance to hunt or shoot with someone, take it. If you can make the BEC shoot, do it - it's a great weekend of brotherhood and shooting. Like Jack said, I didn't know a lot of the guys and wasn't sure. I actually was just planning on going to the shoot portion, but got off work early at the last minute and had a what-the-hell moment and texted 1023. He, of course and like always, hooked me up and I had one of the best weekends of my summer, and that's coming from a college kid!



Dignitary Member
Staff member
I love how I've become the poster child who went from being a punk ass kid that Jesse almost drove to PA to spit tobaccy on his shoes and beat up to someone with better questions, smarter posts, and then to be accepted. :D Don't worry, I've still got a little bastard in me! I just saw how big Swantucky was and didn't want any part of that!

Johnch- their advice is good. Take it from me, I pissed nearly all of these guys off and now consider them to be my hunting mentors and many of them great friends. After amassing around a thousand posts, I got bored and stirred the pot, almost got kicked off the other site. Then I woke up and realized that there is a hell of a lot more than just arguing (though as someone going into law, you won't find someone who loves to argue more..it's just like rabbit hunting!). I started reading three times more than I posted, only contributed what I thought was sound advice, and started asking solid questions. There is a wealth of information and help to be had, a TON of good stories to read, jokes to laugh at...this is truly a great place. Stick around, post some pictures (we LOVE pictures) and make some friends. If you get a chance to hunt or shoot with someone, take it. If you can make the BEC shoot, do it - it's a great weekend of brotherhood and shooting. Like Jack said, I didn't know a lot of the guys and wasn't sure. I actually was just planning on going to the shoot portion, but got off work early at the last minute and had a what-the-hell moment and texted 1023. He, of course and like always, hooked me up and I had one of the best weekends of my summer, and that's coming from a college kid!


BTW.. Where the hell did you sleep that night Steve? lol.. Not that any of us slept mch.. We were pretty much out of beer at 5 am but i was up at 8:30.. One of those, eyes open, look around. Hey! I don;t feel bad at all! Today is going to be a good day! :).. (Get out of be and damn near fall over.) That's because I'm still Drunk! Damn! Today is going to SUCK!:smiley_crocodile:

Not much for orginized shoots
I am sort of a loner when it comes to deer hunting , but I am not afraid to try anything

But I am into the rest

Come Wareye fishing next spring
I normaly fish the straight side of the river while Swantucky fishs the gay side LOL

I can show you how to fish Ass Backwards and catch a few



Dignitary Member
Staff member

Not much for orginized shoots
I am sort of a loner when it comes to deer hunting , but I am not afraid to try anything

But I am into the rest

Come Wareye fishing next spring
I normaly fish the straight side of the river while Swantucky fishs the gay side LOL

I can show you how to fish Ass Backwards and catch a few


I don't blame you.. I would try to keep a body of water between him an I too. I plan to come up and frish wif Tuckey this winter on the ice if yall get a good season. You ice frish?


Senior Member
BTW.. Where the hell did you sleep that night Steve? lol.. Not that any of us slept mch..

Hahahah remember that tent behind Jesse's cabin? Mine - the "late minute BEC volunteer who has a 4x6 tent" lol. Thanks Jesse! Oh - and thanks Katie for helping me set it up ;)

I slept like a little girl. I worked exactly 60 hrs M-F that week and got off work at 330. Ran into town to cash my check and get a few things, stopped home for dinner, and went down to Cardinal. I texted Jesse when I got off work. I think I went to bed at 1 or 2 Friday night and 3 or 4 on Saturday - things were still pretty rowdy but my drunk ass fell right asleep :D
I don't blame you.. I would try to keep a body of water between him an I too. I plan to come up and frish wif Tuckey this winter on the ice if yall get a good season. You ice frish?

But not the last few years
If we have ice this year
I plan on being out there

I have to say fishing with Swantucky is interesting
If the fish aren't biteing
He keeps you laughing



Removed by Request.
Hell, I like John already, we share a name and we both carry a Sig. :) Don't worry, John, I'm kinda a loner too...sorta introverted until I get to know people or get some beers in me. This group of hunters is the best there is, and nobody is a stranger round here. And Swantucky is a homo, but I think he is the only homo I wouldn't mind sharing a fire or camp with (and if my ass is sore in the morning, I ain't telling anyone...). :D


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Hahahah remember that tent behind Jesse's cabin? Mine - the "late minute BEC volunteer who has a 4x6 tent" lol. Thanks Jesse! Oh - and thanks Katie for helping me set it up ;)

I have a way with sweet old ladies!!! ;)

I don't think there is much more I can say to address John's questions. Jack and I decided to let this palce more or less run itself and that includes the private side and who comes and goes. The members have a voice here and that is something we really wanted to provide. The only negative I can see right now, is that your friends with Randy! ;) But I think we all have that problem!!! :D LMAO!!!