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He's back...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I was rained out at work today so I decided to go pull my camera card and see whats going on. I put the cam within 20 yards of the observation stand I posted in the "Show me you sets" thread. When I came out of the backside of the field I scanned and noticed a couple deer walking right by my camera. I about crapped myself when I saw this guy from last year...

and he was with this guy...

Now the first deer above has stayed about the same size with a little more mass. The second with the kicker is now a bit bigger. Bad part is the POS camera I have left (two others were broke) didn't even get picks of either when they passed directly in front of it while I was watching less than 60 yards away. Thank goodness I didn't spook them!

Here are the pics the camera actually took. With my other cams I would have 100 pics in two weeks here but only had 16 and only a few were actually of any animals....late trigger I am sure on the rest.

On my way to kill some whistle pigs in the hay field...

Hopefully I get some picks where I moved the camera TOO. Trying to find what is going on in the evening.


DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Wow! If you wouldn't have seen them yourself I bet that 2nd trail cam pic would have pissed you off. That would have been like a tease! They both look great from that direction!

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Oh crap, read it TOO fast! You got a nice herd of deer out there Charles! I would say the front one in the 2nd pic could be a potential shooter, if not both, although tough to tell with just that angle.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
This property hasn't had a doe taken off of it in 5 years (by hunters) and the ratio is still crazy. At least 3 to 1 bucks. Last year I knew of 14 different bucks that roamed here. Can't figure it out actually.


DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Knowing that the buck in the first pic is out there running around, it may make it a little easier, but I would have a hard time passing that buck you posted the last pic of.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Yeah his body is stupid big now. He is going to be over 250# easy by the time fall rolls around. I should have pics of him soon enough this year. Just pisses me off a bit that they walked directly in front of my camera while I was watching this morning and it didn't go off. I am going to get a couple of the Spypoints when it rolls around. I have a history with the Big 8 which goes clear back three years. I have seen him while in my stands many times just not able to close the deal. Last year during the rut he would actually hold down the does in the CRP field until dark. Watched it with my own eyes in the stand. He would literally bed them less than 100 yards away from my stand in some nasty CRP and stay there all day. The only time they would get up is to mate or drink from the creek that runs through it.

I don't even have a name for him... hmmm.



DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I'm tellling you, this one here is an absolute stud!!! I can't wait to see if you get more pics of him. He makes me want to pull the pickle out! :pickle:



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice pics Charles. Good pics, bad pics, who cares? You know he is in there and that is the main thing!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Yeah I haven't had the time to blow up the pic yet...THANKS! You guys would laugh if you saw the property all these bucks are on. Tiny woods, huge fields, little bit of fence line and thats it. The CRP is now beans this year. I hope that above is the one I call Kershaw because all of his tines are thick and bladed. He is a stud that I have never got on camera. He is at least 5.5 because I have seen him the last 4 years. He was a main frame 10 with junk everywhere last year.

I guess passing the last two years is starting to pay off!



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Wow!!! You're gonna have your hands full this season. I hope you get him buddy!!!

And yes.... those are pickle worthy :pickle: