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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


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Nw oh
Tried watching the news. I had to shut it off after the intro. EVERYTHING!!! negative most of which was 100 percent emphasized with the president did, or the president said. Suspecting a ramping up attack shit storm till November.....bastards
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It is fascinating that you believe anything China puts on paper. How about the 50% increase in deaths in Wuhan that was just updated? Is that the only omission they’ve made? China failed, even with their authoritarian capabilities.
As for the revised code, good luck with that. $750 or 90 days in jail. You’re concerned about over crowding hospitals but you want to pack people into already packed jails? That will certainly end up with even more packed hospitals. Wouldn’t take long for a supreme court decision to come down on that either. How do you know my intent for being out? Based on what I check out of Lowes with? Why were they able to sell me the mulch then? You want to go the Michigan route? Clearly it isn't working out for them. People will comply with sensible action, but they will push back on mindless tyranny. Especially tyranny that isnt effective at stopping a pandemic. I guess when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail.

Well that was quick....


The Texas Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the release of salon owner Shelley Luther, who was jailed for opening in violation of the state's rules, as Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order retroactively eliminating jail time as a consequence for violating the state's coronavirus restrictions.


"will have" is a strong prediction, which is not what I said. What I'm saying is it's not unreasonable to think there will be isolated incidents of "anarchy" if the shelves stay empty and people continue to hoard. Two more weeks of that WILL cause problems. Anarchy is also a big word, which I did not use. And those statements have nothing to do with the actual fatality or other physiological consequences of the virus.

Who would’ve thought reopening would be more harmful to our safety 😂😂😂


Dignitary Member
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Well that was quick....


The Texas Supreme Court on Thursday ordered the release of salon owner Shelley Luther, who was jailed for opening in violation of the state's rules, as Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order retroactively eliminating jail time as a consequence for violating the state's coronavirus restrictions.

To be clear though, You had asked how the state would enforce the statewide stay at home order and I posted the applicable ORC, I didn't advocate that the penalty of incarceration was just or correct. It appears the Texas supreme court agreed.
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