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Political rant


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I realize I am preaching to the choir, but this needs to be said.

The whole world knows this election was rigged.... the whole world. Russia, China, Iran, the whole world is laughing at the simple idiots in the U.S.

To those that voted for president trump, we tried... we were hoping this would be a fair, free election, but we fooled ourselves. It sounds crazy to say that I sometimes wonder if even the covid was a conspiracy between the deep state and China, but if you really think about it, it wouldn't surprise me to find out the swamp is really that deep.

To those that legitimately voted for Biden because you agreed with his policy... I hope you're right... I really do. You somehow reasoned that higher taxes, increased regulation, and more lockdowns will improve the lives of our citizens, but I just don't see it that way.

To those that voted for Biden because you're too young to know better, and cast your vote for Facebook likes, or because your liberal professor said to, all I can say is, with age comes wisdom. I hope you, someday, can see things how they really are. You've aligned yourself with a political system that only values your opinion if it fits their narrative. You will not be an individual, you will be expected to be a mindless drone who does as they're told. We fought a war in the 1700s to avoid that, but your children probably won't be taught about that in their schools. Thats unfortunate, its a truly inspiring story.

To those that voted for Biden because you hate trump. You don't like his personality, you think he's mean, and abrasive. Or, you actually believe the narrative that he's racist and sexist...
Fuck you, you spineless weenie. Grow up, think for yourself, stop being lazy, and do a little research for yourself. When the rest of us are taking it in the ass, I hope you're getting it from both ends. You better swallow that shit too... don't spill a drop, its what you asked for. You might be able to wash the taste out of your mouth with a little more of that kool aid, if there's any left, you must have enjoyed it because you sure chugged it down. Hook... line... sinker...
And if any one of you gloat in my face, you're getting punched in the mouth.

Some will try to put a positive spin on this.
"At least it wasn't the blowout the polls said it was going to be"
Thats because the democrats underestimated how many votes trump would get, and didn't harvest enough ballots make it look like a blowout.
"At least we picked up seats in the house"
But we still don't have control of it. And there are still an awful lot of RINOS in the house anyway.
"We still have control of the senate"
No we don't. How many critical issues came down to one vote in the last 2 years? We just lost that vote... and kamala is the tie breaker. Don't forget about the RINOS in the senate that will roll over without a strong conservative in the white house.
"He could still win!"
Stop kidding yourself. Its over. The deep state will never allow that.

I only hope they don't follow through with their threats to prosecute him once he's out of office, I look forward to him campaigning for future candidates.

Then there are the "CIVAL WAR!... LETS REVOLT! ... TO ARMS!..."

Bullshit, all talk. Today's patriots have jobs, families, mortgages, car payments, kids that need braces... you're not going to do a fucking thing, shut up. If you're not careful, you'll end up in prison like those guys in Michigan. You're going to take it, just like the rest of us. You're going to go to work and pay your taxes and you know it.

Is this the end of the U.S. as we know it? I hope not, but I feel like it is. The deepest ate has demonstrated how good they are at rigging elections. They managed to get a doddering old fool elected even though he is clearly corrupt, cant string 2 sentences together, and changes his policy depending upon who he's talking to. A pandering, lying, carrer politician. The deep state has shown how far they will go to maintain control. The deep state has proven they control the narrative.

Sure, there's another election in a couple years, but I'm afraid the March to socialism is inevitable.


Junior Member
I take serious offense to this. Rigged?? Proof please. Just because trump says so??
Higher taxes?? For the extreme wealthy
Regulations?? Trying to clean up this country a little bit for our children and grandchildren is a bad thing??
Lockdowns? Never heard Biden say one thing about more lockdowns. Just wear a fuckin mask when out. Not so hard. I don't like it either but if thats what it takes, so be it.
Trump has lied repeatedly to you. Bad mouths veterans and POW's. His ass wouldn't even serve. Pussy. Mexico paying for the wall?. Nope, military funds. He has no plans. No plan for Healthcare, no plan for the pandemic, no plan for infrastructure, no plan period. Just more bullshit spewing.
Deep state?? Lmao. Any more conspiracy theories??
Fuck me? No thanks. Punch me in the mouth, you're getting choked the fuck out.
Suck it up buttercup.

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Senior Member
this election is about so much more than Donald J. Trump, who has accomplished more in three years than any other president that I'm aware of. this constitutional republic is on the ropes. and what the fuck is Joe Bidens plan? Oh, we don't know because he doesn't have one either or doesn't feel that "we the people" deserve to know. I have read the list of Joe Bidens accolades as a politician for 47 years, and all he has done is inflict harm on minorities and gun owners, and got rich from foreign governments. fuck Joe Bidens corrupt ass, and any other politician that wants to take any more liberty or money from me. I'll happily take four more years of anyone who who puts Americans first no matter how brash, unsavory or rude.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Rigged... why are there 118000 more votes in Wisconsin than there are registered voters? Why was mail in voting crammed down everybody's throats? My dead mother in law received a mail in ballot... just saying. Why aren't poll watchers allowed in the ballot counting rooms in Detroit and Philadelphia while you can clearly see the poll counters wearing biden masks?..

Higher taxes for the extremely wealthy? You think that won't effect the company you work for? If $400,000 is considered wealthy, what incentives do small business have to try and grow? Just so they can pay more taxes?

Regulations. Cleaning up the country... the U.S. has done a fantastic job in environmental clean up without some global organization taking our money and not expecting the real polluters to make any changes. You think clean energy is the answer right? Where do you think the electricity comes from to charge an electric car? Have you ever cared enough to look into the environmental impact caused by mining the raw materials for solar panels? What are we going to do with all these lithium ion batteries full of acid after they have been depleted? Landfills?
Joe Biden most certainly did say he'd lock it down. Look it up. Healthcare? I don't think either side has a legitimate plan for Healthcare. Maybe taking some initiative to find a good job with good benefits is a plan. Oh, yeah, that's right, we need the jobs to come back from Mexico, Canada, and China first. Maybe you can get a job fracking... oh, yeah, thats right, biden said he'd ban that, or did he?
Pandemic. As a libritarian, I feel the response was spot on. Let the states do what is best for their state. Let the fed be the ones to make sure there are enough ventilators, PPE, therapeutics, and hospital beds to accommodate the needs when they arrive. I don't know, maybe send a hospital ship to each coast to help with an overflow of cases. And while we're at it, let's fast track a vaccine... sound familiar?

Infrastructure, you mean like all those "shovel ready" jobs obama BIDEN promised? Whatever happened to those?
If you don't think there is a deep state with a hidden agenda pulling strings, no argument will ever convince you.

And yes, if anybody, including you, gloats in my face, there getting nailed. I will however draw the line at attacking biden supporters in public places like restaurants and, how did aunty Maxine put it? "Make a crowd and let them know they aren't welcome anymore" how civil... but we are the devisive ones

Kool aid.. hook line sinker


Junior Member
Y'all are too far gone for me to care anymore. Nothing personal. I'm not one too usually argue about shit. Just don't like......yeah, forget it. Good luck with whomever may win. God help us.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
I take serious offense to this. Rigged?? Proof please. Just because trump says so??
Higher taxes?? For the extreme wealthy
Regulations?? Trying to clean up this country a little bit for our children and grandchildren is a bad thing??
Lockdowns? Never heard Biden say one thing about more lockdowns. Just wear a fuckin mask when out. Not so hard. I don't like it either but if thats what it takes, so be it.
Trump has lied repeatedly to you. Bad mouths veterans and POW's. His ass wouldn't even serve. Pussy. Mexico paying for the wall?. Nope, military funds. He has no plans. No plan for Healthcare, no plan for the pandemic, no plan for infrastructure, no plan period. Just more bullshit spewing.
Deep state?? Lmao. Any more conspiracy theories??
Fuck me? No thanks. Punch me in the mouth, you're getting choked the fuck out.
Suck it up buttercup.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
You are the buttercup.....when the price of gasoline shoots up.....do not complain!!!!
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Do the guys who train or compete bjj, mma or boxing or may have been d1 wrestlers or all americans get to participate in the punching and choking? Will this be at strouds? 🤣 relax boys. It’s just an election. Important. Different. Unique. Unprecedented. But it’s an election. Hunt. Fish. Take care of your family. We all end up worm food. Keyboard fighters throw fewer punches than the NBA tough guys.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I take serious offense to this. Rigged?? Proof please. Just because trump says so??
Higher taxes?? For the extreme wealthy
Regulations?? Trying to clean up this country a little bit for our children and grandchildren is a bad thing??
Lockdowns? Never heard Biden say one thing about more lockdowns. Just wear a fuckin mask when out. Not so hard. I don't like it either but if thats what it takes, so be it.
Trump has lied repeatedly to you. Bad mouths veterans and POW's. His ass wouldn't even serve. Pussy. Mexico paying for the wall?. Nope, military funds. He has no plans. No plan for Healthcare, no plan for the pandemic, no plan for infrastructure, no plan period. Just more bullshit spewing.
Deep state?? Lmao. Any more conspiracy theories??
Fuck me? No thanks. Punch me in the mouth, you're getting choked the fuck out.
Suck it up buttercup.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Damn a political figure lying about stuff... wow, I should be offended. As a Veteran of 35+ years of service started serving under Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton and so forth up until my retirement with Obama. They all tell us what we want to hear then do what they want. Democrats have always made life harder for us serving than Republicans. Just the way it’s been. Trumps an asshole no doubt about it but unlike Obama I have been in better shape financially with trump then his predecessor. You know the guy who had Biden as his runner up.
Biden’s been in “public” service for close too 50 years and really hasn’t shown anything he’s fit too be in the #1 office in the land.
Not too be an ass but you haven’t said a thing the talking heads (mostly butt hurt liberals) say on a daily basis. He’s mean, he says hurtful things. I could give two shits about what he says. The country has moved in the right direction in both economic and social issues regardless of what CNN has you believe. I’m not in Ohio anymore but people down here in rural NC think the same as rural Ohio. Democrats haven’t done a whole lot for you or the impoverished. Other then Obama care. Which hurt as many as it’s helped. Ask folks who pay extremely high premiums because of it.
Regardless who’s the winner. This country is in a downward spiral. Morals are at a historic low. More and more are on the public dole and there’s close too as many collecting as receiving.
I’ll be ok, but feel sorry for the younger folks who’ll have too put up with your Democratic leadership and their socialist agenda...


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Lol... and believe it or not, I held back...

'You ain't black!".. remember that? I'm tired of being called a racist just because I'm white and support trump.

You remember the the Republicans and trump staff that were attacked and ran out of restaurants while they were just minding their own business?
I grew up in an america that thought burning an American flag was bad, that racism was a dying ideal, that rewarded hard work, and believed that everybody hed the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I have an 8 year old granddaughter that lives with us, I want that America for her.
I don't care for the race baiting, cancel culture, everybody gets a trophy, America this has become. You get kicked off Facebook for expressing an opinion favorable to the conservative side, but BLM leaders can literally call for killing white people and cops with no repercussions. Its fucked up.

If Mr Bank fish would read the original post, he'd note that I said I take no issue with somebody legitimately voting for biden because they agree with policy. I only took issue with those that voted for him because they don't like trumps personality. Im not a fan of arrogance myself, but I voted for trump because I do believe in my heart he wanted to put America first. I don't have to hang out with him at a party, but I do belive in better trade deals, lower unemployment, border security, and fewer taxes.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My choice was simple: vote for capitalism or vote for socialism. Vote for freedom or vote for choking out our freedoms.

My issue? No matter the outcome of this election, one or both sides will never have faith in the election process again. Many were skeptical before this election. Now it is confirmed.

As for Bankfish? Who cares? I wish him all the best. I simply do not agree with him. I wish liberals felt the same about conservatives.