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What's IT Score And The Impacts On Hunting Today

Thoughts? Mixed feelings here. Back in the day you referred to a buck as a 6 point, 8 point or a wall hanger LOL! Nowadays it IS about score. I will never have any of my bucks officially scored but a rough score gives you some perspective on how big it was. I'll add that deer hunting back in the day seemed simpler than it is now for a multitude of reasons, this being one.



Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
I won’t have any of mine officially scored again. One reason being the lack of unity by official scorers on how to actually do it. My daughter missed out on making OBB because a scorer did it wrong. Even though another one (from a different state) that I knew scored it the exact same as me.
But I get what you are saying. It’s taken away from the fun of just hunting. I am as guilty as anyone. Same way with trail cameras. Sometimes it really sucks when you never see a buck you don’t know. But I’m also like a kid at Christmas when checking cards.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I personally like scoring them or referring to deer with a score because it helps describe the size of the deer. Nowadays most people can accurately visualize a buck based on an estimated score. In my opinion it’s helpful. Has it ruined deer hunting? Maybe sort of. For a lot of people it has. For me, no it hasn’t. It’s all about perspective. I enjoy chasing big deer, but I also still thoroughly enjoy all aspects of the hunt and appreciate it for what it is.


Staff member
100% ruined it for the new guys.


I personally like scoring them or referring to deer with a score because it helps describe the size of the deer. Nowadays most people can accurately visualize a buck based on an estimated score. In my opinion it’s helpful. Has it ruined deer hunting? Maybe sort of. For a lot of people it has. For me, no it hasn’t. It’s all about perspective. I enjoy chasing big deer, but I also still thoroughly enjoy all aspects of the hunt and appreciate it for what it is.

And also this.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
I’m just gonna copy and paste my answer that I posted on the nothing about nothing thread. Good topic Big Holla...I say shoot whatever trips your trigger. Also, depending on where you live and what kind of trophy potential is in your area determines what is a good buck. If you live in a area that doesn’t have 160” deer running around, you’ll go your entire hunting career without ever killing a deer if that is your goal. When I first started hunting..any buck was a trophy to me. Also, a buck I’d shoot in jersey, I wouldn’t ever consider shooting in Ohio. Ohio has MUCH bigger bucks than where I live. I’ve killed well over 100 bucks in my lifetime and shooting a four point just doesn’t do it for me. I’d rather shoot a doe. A 130-140” buck here is like a 170” buck in Ohio....I’ve been hunting since I was 14 and have only killed two here in jersey that break 140” gross. A 100” eight point is a decent buck around these parts....120” and you’re talking wall hanger.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
First off.... What the hell is with a drying off period before it can be scored???? Score the buck I shot on the day I shot it... Who the hell was the idiot that came up with this rule??? Secondly as Fury stated if the deer puts lead in your pencil, shoot it if you'll be happy... He also stated that whether or not it's a trophy depends on where you hunt... Some areas just don't have the genetics to produce nice deer let alone a booner... Raise the bar too high in these areas and you might as well stay home... So shoot what makes you happy and don't worry about what others say....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I personally like scoring them or referring to deer with a score because it helps describe the size of the deer. Nowadays most people can accurately visualize a buck based on an estimated score. In my opinion it’s helpful. Has it ruined deer hunting? Maybe sort of. For a lot of people it has. For me, no it hasn’t. It’s all about perspective. I enjoy chasing big deer, but I also still thoroughly enjoy all aspects of the hunt and appreciate it for what it is.

This. . . BUT "this" is the response of a deer hunter who has matured. Some of it has to do with what stage of deer hunting you are in.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It has not at all for me. I got my start chasing deer long before people would even consider passing a shot opportunity at a buck. If it had antlers, it would catch a slug. There was a few guys that would let a really small one walk during now season, but not many. I think when I was young, a guy killing a buck of any size with a bow was still a pretty big deal. Deer hunting as a whole has changed. People did not spend every free minute now hunting deer for four months of the year. They just didn’t. The guys I knew hardly ever started before the first frost and very few would pass up a Thanksgiving morning small game hunt to sit in a tree. To most, “deer season “ was six days starting the Monday after Thanksgiving, and none of them would even consider working that week. The entire thing is different, effort is much greater and combined with a more wide spread population, I think folks choose to be pickier. I don’t think people let bucks walk necessarily because they don’t “measure up”, but more so because they plan to go hunting again multiple times. I base that simply on my experience. Many years I let really good deer go just because I didn’t want to use my tag.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I think it has ruined it for beginners. The expectation to go out out and kill a book buck is so huge now. You even see it on here that people are almost ashamed to post a picture of a deer if it isn't a "Stud". Sure, as you mature and raise the bar for yourself all these measurements add up to something. I get that. But kind of like "golfing", the first few times you do it, you are just glad to find the hole.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
A little different perspective.... When I first went to Illinois my friend's wife wanted him to sell some of their land and he didn't want to... So he came up with the idea of starting a small outfitting business to keep her from bugging him... So I set up everything including a web site... At the time I was on a NJ hunting site similar to TOO... That first year couple guys that came out and shot the biggest deer of their lives and we're so thrilled... However the deer they shot were not Illinois caliber deer... The shit some guys gave me on that NJ site was unreal... Things like: Why should I or anyone come to Illinois if your not managing it for trophy deer... My response was don't come, take your money elsewhere... I'm managing it to give guys the chance to hunt another state and have a memorable experience... If they are happy then I'm happy... It's always puts a smile on my face to get a call from someone and hear the excitement in there voice that they shot a deer no matter what size... Gets even better that night at the dinner table to hear how the hunt went down for that person... That's what it's about, not antler size...