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NRA Files Chapter 11


Dignitary Member
Staff member

They have to get out of Ny and the only way to shelter future lawsuits for past items is to dissolve and start anew in another state. Although I would love to see more regarding NYs claim about misappropriations of funds as I don't believe the NRA is innocent there. But then again what corporation is.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I'm a patron life member and I made my oldest a life member when he was a still in diapers. I'm not a fan of the NRA as of late which is why my other 2 are not life members. I'm honestly quite pissed off about their stance on the bump stock fiasco. However, I still don't think GOA or any other group has nearly the amount of lobbying ability as the NRA. I think GOA and some of the other offshoots do better in the legal arena but not in stopping things before we have to deal with the courts.

I do think BFA is a great local organization.
I dropped my NRA membership several years ago, when they started the harassing and/or constant barrage of requests for more money via my contributions. :mad: If my membership dues aren't enough to float the NRA boat, then raise the dues. The NRA was constantly wanting a donation for this or that senator/governor/congressman that was starting a bill in whatever state in an attempt to ban, blah blah blah. :rolleyes:
I've talked with more recent members that tell me it's worse now, because they call your personal phone and or text you all the time. (n) I get enough of that crap with the "student loan forgiveness" or "extended car warranty" idiots.

The NRA management people were definitely making too much money, for what they were supposed to be doing with our membership dues. A classic example of that is letting the bump stock issue get passed. That IS and an INFRINGEMENT of our 2A rights!!!
Perhaps the state of Texas will be less tolerant of the lavish lifestyle and make them tow the line. :unsure:



Senior Member
Supporting Member
I dropped my NRA membership several years ago, when they started the harassing and/or constant barrage of requests for more money via my contributions. :mad: If my membership dues aren't enough to float the NRA boat, then raise the dues. The NRA was constantly wanting a donation for this or that senator/governor/congressman that was starting a bill in whatever state in an attempt to ban, blah blah blah. :rolleyes:
I've talked with more recent members that tell me it's worse now, because they call your personal phone and or text you all the time. (n) I get enough of that crap with the "student loan forgiveness" or "extended car warranty" idiots.

The NRA management people were definitely making too much money, for what they were supposed to be doing with our membership dues. A classic example of that is letting the bump stock issue get passed. That IS and an INFRINGEMENT of our 2A rights!!!
Perhaps the state of Texas will be less tolerant of the lavish lifestyle and make them tow the line. :unsure:


A few points. The legislative lobbying efforts of the NRA cannot use membership dues for those tasks. It's the law and how it is. So with the increased numbers of people who don't understand the words "shall not be infringed" come increased costs of lobbying.

Secondly, I filled something out asking them to not contact me excessively and I get 1-2 phone calls a year, that's it.

I agree their response to bump stocks was and remains shit. It's also my biggest argument as to why Trump wasn't the friend to the 2A he was purported to be.

But there is a disconnect if you don't want to give them money for "this or that senator/governor/congressman that was starting a bill in whatever state in an attempt to ban, blah blah blah. :rolleyes:" but then give them crap for not being able to do the job effectively. It's the state of governmental lobbying in the country today. The lobbyist firm knows what individual(s) need or have the influence to move the needle where you want it on the topic of your choice. They then show up, write check and the needle gets moved. It's pathetic , dirty, and a whole lotta other vile things but it's the system we currently have.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
The NRA is a flawed organization and I wish some things were different. But perfect is the enemy of good. No other 2A group has even 10% of the influence in the political process that the NRA has. At best about 5% of the 80 million gun owners are NRA members. Can you imagine the influence the NRA would have if 10, 20,30% were members? Some of the issues they felt the need to compromise on, like bump stocks, they might have had the clout to fight.

The Board needs to step up and clean house. We really need an NRA focused on the issues now more than ever. But they’re too busy with internal issues to focus on the mission. 😡
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