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How to Process Frog Legs


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Frog season just came in last night and, like usual, opening night was pretty good to me. I generally throw them in a cooler or a refrigerator overnight and then butcher them the next day, for two reasons… 1 - I’m usually tired and/or half-cocked when I get home and cleaning frogs is the last thing I want to do, and 2 - they are simply easier to handle once they’ve been chilled. So I’m out here in the shop butchering frogs. Figured I’d make a quick video to share with you showing how I go about it.

It’s easy and as most of you know they are delicious. If you haven’t tried frog gigging, I highly recommend it. Especially if you have young kids.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Nice job Jim. The way we do it is take big sharp knife and put them belly down on a cutting board. Cut their heads off right behind their eyes about an inch or so. Take same pair of plyers like you had and pull straight down from the top down towards the feet. Skin all comes off quickly in 1 piece. Then cut feet and legs off. On really big frogs I even keep the front legs.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice job Jim. The way we do it is take big sharp knife and put them belly down on a cutting board. Cut their heads off right behind their eyes about an inch or so. Take same pair of plyers like you had and pull straight down from the top down towards the feet. Skin all comes off quickly in 1 piece. Then cut feet and legs off. On really big frogs I even keep the front legs.
Good suggestion! Probably helps keep the skin together being a larger piece to start with. I may have to give that a try!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Great job!

Did it pretty much the same way as a kid. My father would take us boys every time to help catch'em, but us boys always got the chore of cleaning them the next day. Obviously, it was far more fun to catch'em. Just make sure though you keep the ass-end pointed away from you cause every once in while, you'll get one with a full bladder that will piss all over the place.


Senior Member
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Walbridge oh
Going to have to get out and get some to try. It's been a while lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
?: What is the beer to frog ratio? Dave wants to know. Are beer helmets required?
I went slow for the video. A limit of frogs (15) is like one beer… two beers max. That might change though now that I’m cleaning them in an insulated shop with beer and music. I tend not to take my time when I’m battling the sun/heat or mosquitoes.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Instead of pliars use catfish skinners. Works way better
I’ve considered them. And I’m sure you’re right. But I’ve had this junk pair of pliers for forever and they work well enough. Can’t even remember where or when I picked them up. But, in addition to other tasks, they’ve skinned every frog I’ve snatched up over the last 15 years. I’ve got a soft spot for them now I guess. Lol.