Thanks fellas. I've seen better weather on my birthdays and I sure like it better when I'm not at work, but such it is when you get older! I am leaving at lunch to throw some seed on the food plots that look a little weak, then heading to the demolition derby at the fair with the wife tonight. I'm very thankful she's not all about making a big deal over our anniversary. It's largely just another day of married life!
Whatd you do for your anniversery? "oh went down to the demo derby"
U got married on your birthday???????????????????????? Was that so you would always remember one or the other? rotflmao
U got married on your birthday???????????????????????? Was that so you would always remember one or the other? rotflmao
Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't so I would never forget. We wanted a fall wedding, but I refused to get married during deer season. It worked out that for once, the county fair and our Sternwheeler Festival fell on weekends other than my birthday. (Which is a once in every 7 year event.) So the Saturday of my birthday was the perfect day scheduling wise and we were both fine with it being that day. But of course, I've heard the whole "you do that so you wouldn't forget" thing a million times since then!!!
You gotta admit, it IS convenient... :smiley_crocodile:
That it is. But who forgets their damn anniversary?!? That's some sad shit!!!