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Big Holla's 2021/22 Season Journal

Let's get this season started!! This past weekend my wife Terry and I headed down to the farm. Jenna had a wedding to attend and work and Allen was lucky enough to have things going on as well as doggy duty. We both took Friday off and headed down early Friday morning. The plan was to get everything unloaded as necessary and then hit the fields mowing paths and spraying. Naturally I didn't test out my sprayer before we got down there, it's only a year old and it should work right? Nope. Had everything set up and decided to flip the switch with just water in it to test and only got a dribble. Tore the pump apart and all the baffles had puckered up and warped, likely from not doing a good enough job cleaning it out with fresh water last season. So we headed to TSC in Athens where they had no parts and new pumps that were in stock were over $100 :mad:. A call to Rural King in Parkersburg confirmed parts and a good selection of pumps in stock. We met up with my sister, who recently moved into her new apartment, and took her for a ride to complete our mission. Go figure the day was essentially wasted but it was a good day visiting and eating dinner together.


Terry and I got up at a decent time on Saturday and made our way to the S end of the farm. The plan was to have her cut paths while I ran out and sprayed the first plot. Of course since we hadn't been there in a couple months everything was a jungle and we had a decent tree down over the main path. Chainsaw did a good job chunking it out of the way and as I continued to head to the first plot I decided to just lead the way for Terry to cut as I had to stop and cut back briars most of the way. Finally we finished the path out to the pines so we headed over to the Sanctuary Plot to spray it. Sunday we seeded it with brassicas and clovers/alfalfa mix and topped it off with T19 and lime. I decided not to mow the plot and let the dying thatch cover the seed.


Next plot was the Old Saw plot, due to an old sawmill (remnants) being there. Sprayed it Saturday and then on Sunday we planted the exact same thing only I added some winter wheat, winter rye and barley. I have high hopes for this plot getting it in earlier than last year. Fingers crossed! Again, this field we did not mow and hope the dying thatch holds in that moisture.


Third plot we sprayed on Saturday is a new one. I will call it the Tractor Path plot as it sits up above the path leading into the big holla. I't small, maybe 30 ft. x 40 ft. but I think it will just give them a little extra browse near bedding. Sunday we planted it with the winter wheat, winter rye, barley and added a decent amount of soybeans. Hopefully the thatch here isn't too thick to allow all that seed to reach the ground. We ran over it many times to really try and pack it all down without mowing.


Fourth plot is the Old Corral Plot and was my project I had really hoped to get in, it's in an old corral area behind our barns. Once we got there on Saturday I decided we had better mow this first. The thatch was so incredibly thick with grasses and I felt with what I intended on planting I had better knock it down first. I sprayed after hoping the grass left and all the rest would still soak up the chemicals. Sunday we planted this with the winter wheat, winter rye, barley, soybeans and added the clovers/alfalfa mix. This plot I really believe we can hunt in almost any wind direction as there are perfect spots for pop up blinds on both E and W sides as well as treestand locations to the N near some thick bedding. Once I got done running all over it you could not see a single seed or soybean for that matter so I really think this one will work. I'm praying so anyway!


Fifth plot I had planned to put in is Allen's Corner, where he has his treestand set up and I had planted last year. The plot worked well for what it was last year but as I got in there I noticed the farmer had gotten a lot further into the corner leaving us less area to work with. Planned to do it so we did it but it may work out better than I had thought. As I sprayed Saturday I noticed there were some gaps in the corn right there. Sunday when we got there to plant I confirmed there were a few good openings where rows got real wide and some seed had not grown. So there are brassicas (only) planted here and into the corn. I've had success with doing that in the past and as the farmer cuts the brassicas usually bounce back OK. We shall see though. You can see Allen's treestand in the background here.

Sixth plot is our Cabin Plot, right next to the old barn board chicken coop cabin I've shared in the past. Here the farmer got tight again with the corn so I did what I could here. I almost hated spraying the clover that was growing but it worked well last year. Here we planted some brassicas, winter wheat, winter rye, barley, soybeans the clovers/alfalfa mix. Here is Terry on the plot after two long days of hard work.


That Cabin Plot was supposed to be the last one and I had planned to plant this in brassicas and the clover mix only there. As I was spraying it on Saturday I happened to stumble onto a 7th. location for a food plot. 5 or 6 rows into the corn, right next to the cabin, there was a swath where the planter must have ran out of seed or something when the farmer planted the corn. I decided to save a good portion of the brassica seed (some of which I had planned to bring home for behind the house) and used it there. The opening has to be 25 ft wide by 200 yards long but I only planted the portion near the cabin, maybe 80 yards long. The edge of it, once the corn is cut, would be under 20 yards from the window of the cabin. Oh boy if it works! My only concern was how hard the ground was so I raked it and ran the 4 wheeler over it to loosen it up as much as I could before seeding and fertilizing.


So, that was that....we got on the road around 6 pm Sunday and headed home completely exhausted. I feel good about all we did though, even all the paths mowed and everything. Hopefully in a couple weeks I will have some updates to show.
Got the two plots behind the house up here sprayed last Friday. Of course I didn't take pics. Will be planting them both before this weekend depending on rain. Want to get them started soon though.

Camera check from Ohio showed some real nice up and comers that should keep Jenna and Allen busy, hopefully Terry as well.


Young and unique........not sure I can keep the kids from taking a crack at this one.





We were pretty busy over the holiday weekend cleaning up and mowing around the farm. So much that I wished I had taken more pics to actually document what we did as proof LOL! After mowing a large area near our pond on the S end of the farm we started working on hunting set-ups. Had to break a trail through the old overgrown homestead that still exists on the farm to access the food plot near the old barn. We cleared out two spots for ground set ups there that were well hidden with the tall brush we left just in front of these openings that are big enough for pop-up blinds or simply sitting on a folding stool. After that we headed to the pines to do a stand check on Allen's ladder stand and then move a nearby hang-on. We ended up moving the hang-on up onto the top of the hill from where it was in a spot that overlooked a natural saddle on the farm in the big timber. My dad used to gun hunt this area a lot in years past but slowly stopped when a house was built on the nearby property. Now that the house has been there for several years the deer have started using our side of the saddle much more and confirmed by multiple trails as well as trail camera pics as they come off that part.

Here is the newly relocated Saddle Stand:


After that we headed to take a peek at our other plots and to get an idea if Allen wanted to move one of his other treestands to one of the plots. The sanctuary looked pretty good. When leaving a lot of thatch it is easy to get discouraged when you come up to them after 3-4 weeks of growth and not seeing a whole lot but if you look down in you end up seeing so many new plants getting ready to break through and grow. This little Tractor Path Plot seemed to be doing just fine. It was planted with the winter wheat, winter rye, barley and soybeans.


Sunday we woke to steady rain and was hard to get motivated to get going. It was going to suck but we had things to do. We moved one of Allen's hang-on's that didn't produce much onto the Old Saw Plot. After pulling the stand and heading over he picked the tree and we got to work.



The plot was like I mentioned, growing slowly through the thatch. From a distance it doesn't look like much but standing over top you can see green coming up all over. Definitely have high hopes as this is the place we are seeing the most bucks on camera.



The last stand we moved for the weekend had been down in the big holla overlooking a creek crossing. The wind always seemed to be a problem there as it would blow up and towards where deer often went to or were coming from on the neighbors farm. It hadn't been hunted in a good 2-3 years so it was time anyway to get it off the tree. We moved it down the big holla towards the tractor path area. The bottom opens up here and there are four good points that empty towards this new stand location. This is where I have a couple mock scrapes that have been taken over year after year and get some of my best scrape trail camera pics. It seems to be a hub of activity out in front of this stand, sometimes year round. It may be risky with wind but I have been contemplating this move for several years now. Any wind out of the south should make this a perfect location. Time will tell. Several new straps and soon it was up and we were exhausted.


Once that was done we continued to check several more treestands for safety as well as hang several vines in new areas for mock scrape locations to nearby stands. One in particular we hung on the Old Saw plot the night before and I had left some string laying there. I went over to pick it up and there were deer tracks all around the newly hung section of grape vine on the field edge. We also did a lot of trimming around the sanctuary treestand and any stands that needed it. Here is Allen's corner stand overlooking the cornfield all ready to go!



Three treestands to go on safety checks and we are 100% ready. We still have ground blinds that could use some brushing in too but they will be good enough if we don't get to them right away.

Monday was a day of rest. We took our dog Sadie out for a walk down the stream and enjoyed the sun. We packed up shortly after and headed home. Man it felt good to get some things done!!



Supporting Member
Ross County
Great work you guys have been putting in on the farm! Looks great Chuck! Wish nothing but best for all of you this season! I look forward to seeing all your hard efforts paying off for y'all! Good luck to everyone!!!
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Plots behind the house (Michigan) were not looking so good so I ended up getting some winter rye and extra fertilizer to try to salvage what I could. The first week the rye sprouted very well and the brassicas made a jump too. Things are looking much better. I thought I had a couple more pics but this one is 5 days after the attempted resuscitation on the front plot. I will update more after the weekend on their progress.


Trail cam pics in Ohio have been relatively boring for the most part. I'm looking forward to checking the other trail cameras that aren't cell cams to see what we have been missing. These two showed up last night though so things might start heating up! Thought maybe the same deer but the brow tines appear to be different.




Plots behind the house (Michigan) were not looking so good so I ended up getting some winter rye and extra fertilizer to try to salvage what I could. The first week the rye sprouted very well and the brassicas made a jump too. Things are looking much better. I thought I had a couple more pics but this one is 5 days after the attempted resuscitation on the front plot. I will update more after the weekend on their progress.

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Trail cam pics in Ohio have been relatively boring for the most part. I'm looking forward to checking the other trail cameras that aren't cell cams to see what we have been missing. These two showed up last night though so things might start heating up! Thought maybe the same deer but the brow tines appear to be different.

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I’d say they have the same daddy!
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Time to update this, Dick reminded me to get things current. Work has been crazy so I haven't spent any time in the woods other than to pull cards and take a ride. That will change soon though with some scheduled time off. Strouds weekend Allen and I made it to the farm to check things over and tidy up a few stands. Hopefully he will be able to get down this year as he's having a very busy schedule with school. Anyhow, scooch up to the campfire (Strouds Saturday evening) and here goes:


As we made our way around checking cameras we found scrapes. Scrapes everywhere! Pretty much all of our vine mock scrapes were worked and so many new it was surprising.


Rubs weren't quite as plentiful but they were there. Including this dandy over by Allen's plot by the Old Saw.



The plot at the Old Saw looked pretty good. I had hoped to see more growth but everything was growing and it appeared they were grazing it heavily. We added some tree limbs to the side of his stand here and he is ready.


One of the best surprises was the section of corn that did not get planted. This is where I put a lot of brassicas hoping they would take root and cover this spot and they did not disappoint!!! As wide as you can see and looks to be 80 yards long easy as they go at least another 30 behind me taking the picture. Now, my only hope is the farmer didn't mash them all down with the combine and they will be a great spot to sit in the cabin 20 yards to the right.


I wasn't disappointed at all with the plot we put in behind the old barn. This was mostly put in with rye, wheat, barley and clover. A good amount of grass came back but it's green. The deer were definitely using it and there were beds all over the field including the tall grass. Every single small tree out in the open had a rub on it.



The plot I am most satisfied with again is the Sanctuary. It came in great!!

