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almost gave up


Junior Member
so tonight i almost gave up on bow hunting, 4 days before season, totally pumped for sat, shot my bow on friday and was hittin dead on arrows were touching on every shot, 20 and 30 yards. put it in the case locked it up and let it sit. picked it up today and couldnt hit nothing, shot great at 10 and twenty yards got to 25 and thirty and i was having scattered shots, it drove me nuts bout threw my bow and gave up for good, my buddy told me to double check my sights and and rest and everything, told him it couldnt be any of that, still wondering how could it be off if it shot great the other day, moved my sights a lil to the left and and down a lil and fixed my shooting points hittin good again. anyone else ever have this happen or something similar that just drove you so insane you wanted to say im done. hope it still shoots good sat morning.

sorry for the long beginning....any inputs or similar happenings

Derek j

Senior Member
Knox Co.
Short version is yes.....anything can nudge the pins, sight, rest, etc. Has happened to me and a buddy. We shot great all year, then a couple weeks before the season opened everything went to shit. Had to completely reset my bow and start over. Hope you get everything straightened out!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Sounds to me like you need to focus on your form and make sure you have a consistent anchor point. It doesn't take much to throw your shots off at 30y


Junior Member
yea def true, first it started out with the 2 arrows hittin about 7 in to the left and two hittin dead on, then they all started floatin, finally found a better aiming spot to focus on and changed my anchor points and hittin good now


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Sounds to me like you need to focus on your form and make sure you have a consistent anchor point. It doesn't take much to throw your shots off at 30y

ditto. sounds more like an issue with form than anything else.


Staff member
Sounds to me like you need to focus on your form and make sure you have a consistent anchor point. It doesn't take much to throw your shots off at 30y

Roger that. TOO often we ignore the simple fixes like anchor point and form because it's easy to blame the equipment. Always make sure to check all bolts and screws with regularity to avoid issues there. But never be afraid to ask: "Is the problem me and not the equipment?" I've had issues before that were fixed by simply making minor changes in my form or preshot routine.

Glad you got it all worked out! Now go spill some blood this weekend!!!


Junior Member
yea im guessing its something real simple, i did get a new g5 meta peep installed but it was placed in the same spot as the previous peep, but im gonna practice tomorrow just placing an arrow and drawing back then let it down and keep doin that till i nail my anchor points to a tee and the grip and my stance which even tho ill be from a tree can still practice that to, and thanks jesse im hoping to spill some blood this weekend, hopefully i wont be the only one


Dignitary Member
Staff member
yea im guessing its something real simple, i did get a new g5 meta peep installed but it was placed in the same spot as the previous peep, but im gonna practice tomorrow just placing an arrow and drawing back then let it down and keep doin that till i nail my anchor points to a tee and the grip and my stance which even tho ill be from a tree can still practice that to, and thanks jesse im hoping to spill some blood this weekend, hopefully i wont be the only one

There's the issue. No way the guy who installed your peep could've got it exactly in the same spot. Even if it was a couple hundredths of an inch off it will alter your point of impact from before. Glad ya got it worked out.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There's the issue. No way the guy who installed your peep could've got it exactly in the same spot. Even if it was a couple hundredths of an inch off it will alter your point of impact from before. Glad ya got it worked out.

Definitely... the new peep sight is most likely to blame for this. Could've also been the other things that have been said here already, but I'd bet my bankroll it's the peep.