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TOO Garden Thread


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio

Most of the mater plants are over my head with all having oodles of blossoms coming on. I’ve got some pretty nice suckers on a few that I might just have to try doing what Joe did and snip off and plant in planters for late season…🤔
I have plenty of peppers coming on with lots of blooms as well. Can’t wait till harvest🤗👍🏻


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Took a page out of Joe and my brother fullbores book and snipped a dozen suckers of various sizes and will plant them into pots when roots begin to sprout. Oh awesome would it be having fresh maters into possibly November?🤗👍🏻

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The water ones I did didn't turn out too well. They stayed vibrant but started to develop fungus etc. The ones I potted after covering the base of the stems with rooting hormone are doing great. You can get the hormone at lowes and most other places that carry plants. I brought them in and sat them in a window and kept them moist around the stem.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Went to Lowes and bought 3 of these big plastic pots with draining holes in them and filled them with Miracle Grow Raised beds soil, MG veggies soil and compost mixture and have tomato trellises in place for when I transplant the suckers. Won’t be long.


Going to try to plant 3 per pot.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Mid June and I'm actually asking for a bit of rain. Next 10 days is dry and HOT for this time of the year, damn global warming.

Tomatoes have taken hold, but a bit slower than I thought being transplants. Only 3 hauls on the cherry tomatoes and 1 smaller sized large sized mater, but I'm not complaining. That said, the last few days they really started to flower, just need to keep the water consistent.


Brocolli, peppers, and beans are doing well. Carrots are getting crowded out by weeds, ill be damned so many weeds look like carrot tops.



Middle 1/3 section that floods has grown up well, first mowing tonight. Will slowly corporate back into regular yard or plant with pollination items next year once she dries out.


Watermelons and pumpkins in the strips got a few sun flower additions this weekend front Wyatt's school contest.


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Supporting Member
Ross County
Had my first fresh salad last night from out of the garden and it was awesome! Everything seems to be coming along nicely. I'm gonna have far more peppers and tomatoes this year, which is beautiful thing! We've had a ton of rain this year so far and I've watered the garden for the first time since planting just over the past few days.

Our mini garden this mornin...

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Seems like you guys out in ohio are ahead when it comes to the growing season….my tomatoes are still green, my black berries are still green, and my peppers and zucchini are still small. Only thing I’ve been harvesting is raspberries. 😂