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My Feelings.


*Supporting Member*
You all thought you was going to hear me spill my guts dident you? I have been told I have no feeling and that is just not true. The feeling I do have, have just be crushed on Facebook cus I was defriended by Roger Raghead. He is so proud cus he just tagged his biggest deer ever. This is his words " large 6x6 with 25 scorable points" and I think I may have hurt HIS feeling when I ask him how long it took him to get it cornered in the fence. Now I have to look for a new FakeBook friend.:frown:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Cornering it was the easy part... Dragging it under was the hard part.. lmao


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Cornering it was the easy part... Dragging it under was the hard part.. lmao

He didn't have to drag it under man, it's high tech hunting. They shoot it with a tranquilizer dart, then take pics with it as it sleeps. Hunts don't cost near as much, and the High Fence guys keep their big buck deerz.