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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
From what I just looked at on the ODNR site, we are up about 350 this season over last. That is through November 15, 2022 vs November 16, 2021.
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I firmly believe EHD is devastating in particular to older, larger antlered deer. Mason and I have not killed a single deer this season. We have looked fairly hard over a fairly large area and have yet to find a buck I believe to be over 3.5 years old. I’ve had an awful lot of fun watching deer this season. I don’t remember a more intense rut. Unfortunately, I think part of the reason for that is it’s like a bunch of teenagers on prom night.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Thank you for looking it up, Brock. That seems like what I seen the other day when I posted. And the site was down when I wanted to look this morning. Then I lost interest🤣


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
They stopped updating that map on October 17th. Pretty sure we still hadn't had a heavy frost by that point. I know of deer reported afterthen that never made the map. Highland county was hit alot harder then that map reflects as was Ross.
I think they just rolled those numbers into harvest numbers🙄😡


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
They stopped updating that map on October 17th. Pretty sure we still hadn't had a heavy frost by that point. I know of deer reported afterthen that never made the map. Highland county was hit alot harder then that map reflects as was Ross.
I missed the date down in the corner. Thanks!
Definitely have the feeling I missed dead deer the last time we went looking for them on our place. Talked with my cousin, they own a smaller property the next holler east of us, their creek actually joins ours further south. Apparently they had found 4 deer, 2 of which were good bucks. Neighbors to the N and S of them also have found several deer dead, all in and around the stream/water. Trail cameras, both cell and regular, just show the same few deer and none of which are bigger than a little 4 point so far. Not much else to say other than no does will be shot for a while til we see some sort of rebound in the years to come.

Here is a question someone might know, have areas been hit with EHD in back-to-back years or within a couple years for that matter??

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Definitely have the feeling I missed dead deer the last time we went looking for them on our place. Talked with my cousin, they own a smaller property the next holler east of us, their creek actually joins ours further south. Apparently they had found 4 deer, 2 of which were good bucks. Neighbors to the N and S of them also have found several deer dead, all in and around the stream/water. Trail cameras, both cell and regular, just show the same few deer and none of which are bigger than a little 4 point so far. Not much else to say other than no does will be shot for a while til we see some sort of rebound in the years to come.

Here is a question someone might know, have areas been hit with EHD in back-to-back years or within a couple years for that matter??
Bad luck can strike two years in a row. However it seems to be about a five year cycle from what I can tell from my short time paying attention (2007-now).
Which year after a area gets hit is the worst year? I'm guessing the 1st or second deer season after an outbreak in a area being the worst? I would think the year it hits is not the worst because more deer will be killed throughout the season and bring numbers even lower for the next year.


Junior Member
The woods
Good questions, all which DOW should have answers to. IF the current harvest numbers published by DOW are remotely accurate, it seems as though EHD had little impact on people killing deer, even in the hardest hit areas. This however doesn't accurately reflect population. A better metric or question would be how much more effort did said hunters have to put into harvesting a deer than in years past. Theres some good and responsible folks on this website but the sad fact to me seems like most hunters couldn't care less, they have proven they will keep shooting deer as normal until nothing is left to shoot, even if it takes them 2x or 3x effort as normal. Im really not sure how many hunters have a moral compass anymore, seems like a diminishing few.