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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hopefully the ODNR will adjust bag limits for hard hit areas. It’s my understanding they could not do it this year due to the out break occurring just before season. It’s disgusting to see people killing deer in areas that were obviously heavily impacted but the vast majority of hunters do not know it has even happened since they pay no attention to the herd until the day they start hunting.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good questions, all which DOW should have answers to. IF the current harvest numbers published by DOW are remotely accurate, it seems as though EHD had little impact on people killing deer, even in the hardest hit areas. This however doesn't accurately reflect population. A better metric or question would be how much more effort did said hunters have to put into harvesting a deer than in years past. Theres some good and responsible folks on this website but the sad fact to me seems like most hunters couldn't care less, they have proven they will keep shooting deer as normal until nothing is left to shoot, even if it takes them 2x or 3x effort as normal. Im really not sure how many hunters have a moral compass anymore, seems like a diminishing few.
The majority are flat ignorant. Even seasoned hunters I know were shocked when they started their vacations and weren’t seeing deer.... and then shot a five point because he was the only buck they saw. “Must be the moon”. “Too warm”. “Acorn crop”.... yada yada.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
Good questions, all which DOW should have answers to. IF the current harvest numbers published by DOW are remotely accurate, it seems as though EHD had little impact on people killing deer, even in the hardest hit areas. This however doesn't accurately reflect population. A better metric or question would be how much more effort did said hunters have to put into harvesting a deer than in years past. Theres some good and responsible folks on this website but the sad fact to me seems like most hunters couldn't care less, they have proven they will keep shooting deer as normal until nothing is left to shoot, even if it takes them 2x or 3x effort as normal. Im really not sure how many hunters have a moral compass anymore, seems like a diminishing few.
We as humans have a horrible track record of being responsible when left to our devises, that is the reason deer, Turkey, and other game were about hunted into extinction.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Which year after a area gets hit is the worst year? I'm guessing the 1st or second deer season after an outbreak in a area being the worst? I would think the year it hits is not the worst because more deer will be killed throughout the season and bring numbers even lower for the next year.
This is our second full season post EHD. I didn't see many deer this year until gun season. Then I saw a ton. I believe this is mostly due to people driving deer and they yarded up. I had some great sits. Last year I saw pretty much no mature deer. I managed to tag a 3yr old 8pt 132" deer. Any other year I would have passed but I was looking for biggest bodied deer since I was not shooting does. While I am seeing more deer, they are almost all tiny deer. 2.5yrs and under make up 80-90% of what I've seen. In fact, most look like they were born this spring and their Momma's aren't much bigger. I have been fortunate enough to see 4 bucks I would consider 4 yr old deer although a couple could have been bigger rack/body 3yr olds.

Not sure if that helps. I would.say next year will be worse than this year for the exact reason you stated. Hunters aren't laying off the deer. Many don't have a clue where the deer went.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wife & I just got home from driving over to just north of West Lafayette area to pick up cheese & I couldn't believe the # of deer laying along the roads. I've never seen that many. We drive over every Christmas time & this year was quite different.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Of course silly..........they didn't want to die from EHD so they committed suicide!! That or the knew the Clintons..........
I actually enjoy educating people of this subject. I dove deep into the rabbit hole when we got slammed a few years back. Pretty shocking what people don't know about it.


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
I actually enjoy educating people of this subject. I dove deep into the rabbit hole when we got slammed a few years back. Pretty shocking what people don't know about it.
Ive read a few articles on this since we had very little if any confirmed cases in my life. Ive seen and smelled it in muskegon county one season dead deer all over public ground. it seems to destroy dense populations of deer.... Its just nature controling itself correct or are we adding to the problem?