Here’s my theory. The public meetings regarding solar array projects are packed with protesters because there are in fact huge numbers of people who oppose them, and feel strongly enough about it to attend the meetings. I personally don’t believe that a similar proportion of hunters are upset about the current and prior management decisions made by the DOW. Yes, like you said, there are people on the forum(s) and various Facebook groups being vocal. But I have not witnessed or heard that same sentiment from the masses, at least not in my part of the state. Deer hunters are divided because they don’t all feel the same way. Waterfowl hunters are no different. You can’t rally the troops and present an organized force if they’re not sharing a similar point of view. The sentiment seems common when you read it online over and over… but who’s to say that isn’t biased? Angry people are usually more vocal than happy people. It’s human nature.
Here’s a thought for us all to ponder… Let’s think about what deer hunting in Ohio was like in the 1980’s. How many deer were killed and how common were trophy class bucks? Now think about those same questions and the quality of deer hunting in Ohio today. Can we not all agree that we are lightyears further ahead today than the 1980’s? Are we in our current situation BECAUSE OF conservation groups and the DOW, or IN SPITE OF those groups and agencies? Who knows… probably both.
This post is not meant to say what I think is right or wrong. I’m just asking, if we can’t be happy now with our deer hunting, when will we ever be happy with it? My 26 years of deer hunting tells me we have it pretty good today.