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TOO Homesteading


Staff member
"Never let a crisis goes to waste" is an adage that, unfortunately, many people put to work in tough times. My wife was telling me last night there's someone locally selling "started" laying hens for $125 a piece!?! That's absolutely insane!

Assume a dozen eggs is $5.

If you're lucky, the hen lays 500 eggs in her lifetime.

$5/12 = $.42/egg

That's $210 in eggs, not counting your expenses. It's not a stretch to say it costs $20/year to raise a chicken. So knock $60 in overhead off that and you're monetary ROI is enough for a meal at Wendy's.

Conversely, I just bought 20 chicks for $100. Let's assume 12 live out their 500 egg lives. That's 6,000 eggs, or $2,460 in eggs. It'll cost $750 to raise them, netting enough to justify a nice coop and fencing.

Owning chickens is about more than the return on your $, but it doesn't need to be a terrible $ decision!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
"Never let a crisis goes to waste" is an adage that, unfortunately, many people put to work in tough times. My wife was telling me last night there's someone locally selling "started" laying hens for $125 a piece!?! That's absolutely insane!

Assume a dozen eggs is $5.

If you're lucky, the hen lays 500 eggs in her lifetime.

$5/12 = $.42/egg

That's $210 in eggs, not counting your expenses. It's not a stretch to say it costs $20/year to raise a chicken. So knock $60 in overhead off that and you're monetary ROI is enough for a meal at Wendy's.

Conversely, I just bought 20 chicks for $100. Let's assume 12 live out their 500 egg lives. That's 6,000 eggs, or $2,460 in eggs. It'll cost $750 to raise them, netting enough to justify a nice coop and fencing.

Owning chickens is about more than the return on your $, but it doesn't need to be a terrible $ decision!

There's a sucker born every minute.
Got a freaking steal yesterday......lady down the road from me had four 18 month old golden comets layers. Told me to come get them! She told me to come get the other 5 when she sells her house!!! We are going to see more and more of this as the yuppies figure out the cost and labor to keep up chickens.


Staff member
The next generation of layers moved from the garage to the coop about 3 weeks ago. Last Sunday, I moved it off the patio and into a shaded section of the yard now that our maple tree has leafed out. Unfortunately, we lost one of our current layers to a hawk on Friday, so we're down to 6 and the rooster. I'll leave the juveniles in this pen for another 2 weeks, then they're moving into my soon-to-be-built "chicken tractor". Our egg supply is finally keeping up with demand and that's a welcome outcome!




Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Ducks, chickens and garden

Run is an old dog kennel I pieced together to connect the two coops. It runs behind old coop to give them plenty of area to move around. The new chicken hut is a custom ordered 8x12 with storage and whatever else she wanted. In 20 years I've never bought her any jewelry. So I got her a nice place to collect chicken shit. Lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Converting 1/2 of the shed into a coop, then will build an outdoor run. 1 wall built, 3 of 4 inside inside walls covered, roosting bars installed, and nesting boxes 50% complete (didnt get a pic of those 2). Just need to finish boxes, put up wire, build a walk thru door, and 2 small doors for them to access the run and one will lead to freedom outside the coop/run to free range while I'm home.

Picking up 6 Barred Rock and 4 Rhode Island Red pullets from a farm in Mansfield next weekend. They should be 16-17wks old., and for $10/ea. worth the gamble. Will see, fingers crossed🤞

All scrap/left overs from the house build. Wife calls me a hoarder....pffftt, repurposed beautifully!


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