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Turkeys spring 23'


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
We might head back early today to be home to take the kids tomorrow. Gonna give it one more go after planting the food plots.


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About 1030 they fired up. Called in 4 nice birds. Of course they couldn’t walk right out in front of me. They cut through the brush and came by me at 5 yards. I was sitting up against a pretty small tree. I didn’t move but they saw me and spooked. I had to jump up and swing to my right. Shot this one like a damn pheasant. Told my dad I wanted to try turkey hunting and he bought me this old Winchester pump from an old gun smith when I was 16. It’s heavy as hell but I don’t think I’ve ever missed a bird with it. Doesn’t matter the shell either. They all pattern great with it. Lol that was fun.


Active Member
The Flatlands
Long story short, rain kept the birds from being talkative until 10:15ish. Got up, drove around, didn’t see shit in the fields. Slipped into a big stand of timber to check a field about a mile in, no birds to be seen. Sun was out, figured they had to fire up sooner or later. I did some cold calls and got no response. I was walking a half ass CRP field/ mature oak woods edge when a bird fired off a couple hundred yards away. I stopped and tried calling to get a better idea of where it was, no reply. Then boom “gobble gobble gobble”, another bird(s) fired off within 125 yards. I about shit myself. Ran to the only tree that seemed semi suitable (substantially smaller than you’d like), dumped all my shit, threw my lay down hen out around 20 yards and sat down. Birds gobbled nonstop and were closing the distance incredibly fast. I would say from the first gobble I heard to dead bird couldn’t have been more than 7 minutes. 4 longbeards popped out in a wide open spot of the CRP, they saw the decoy and all started running. They hung up around 30 yards assuming they knew something was up with my dumbass sitting in the wide open. Put the bead on the biggest and lead bird and booked him a one way ticket to smoke city. Other 3 hung out and continued to gobble even after I ran up to stand on my birds head. Sad it’s already over considering I’m off this week, but that leaves ample time to fish. 11 1/8” beard for those that care (I don’t) Congrats to everyone else that captured one!!


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Never seen the creek that high. Our only options were to cross a slippery ass old log or strip down and ford it barefooted. We opted for option #2. Made it across and hunted til noon. We heard our first gobble at 9:45. On our way to that bird we intercepted another. I thought we were gonna seal the deal and get my buddy his first but said gobbler decided to pursue other options. We managed to piss off an old hen that scooped up the first tom to the extent she was the only one that would respond to our calling. The creek dropped a foot by the time we left. All in all it was a great day in the spring woods.