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1023's 2023-2024 Season Journal


Staff member
Well, it's that time already. Time to launch into the documenting of yet another season in my corner of the 100-acre wood. Actually, the 80-acre wood, but you Winnie the Pooh fans know what I meant :cool:

For once, I'm a bit ahead of schedule and am pleased with my progress so far given how crazy my life's been between work, kids, and school. I was able to knock out 4 hours of habitat work a few weeks ago, then spent another 4 this past Sunday with my buddy Bryan working on a key access trail and moving a buddy stand. I didn't take pics from the buddy stand, but we both agreed it was a great move. We shifted it down the main creek about 100 yards to where Kaydence killed her buck last year. It's not at the intersection of the hollers and will be a sweet spot to hunt all season long.

This is the trail we cleared going up the drainage. To the right, you see the deer trail coming out of the sanctuary. It took about an hour to reclaim the trail I call "The Stairway to Heaven". It leads up to two different sets, including where Bryan has killed bucks the past two seasons during gun season, and where I killed my buck in 2021. We're making a major adjustment to one stand by shifting it 60 yards W into the sanctuary and reserving it only for those perfect times of the season when violating the perimeter of the sanctuary is worth it. We'll then add a new stand to an old spot I used to hunt from 2008-2012. It'll be a gun only spot for the most part, but it's also a spot where my buck was killable the night before I killed him, so who knows how it will work out.


That trail leading off the hill from the sanctuary feeds into the main creek bottom, which now looks like this on one end. This is 5 years of now mowing and is now to the point I can start managing some of the regrowth and will eventually add some switchgrass and thermal cover. Behind me is a 1/2 acre foot plot that will be beans this year.


I still have about 8-10 hours of stand-related work to do before planting season arrives, and I'm waiting on confirmation from the service forester when his visit will be, but I'm making progress and it should be a productive off-season!


Staff member
If you ever needed an example of how resilient clover is, look no further than right here. I finally made it out to what we call the "3rd field" tonight. Some of you may recall that this is the same field that used to be hay field, then a rotation of beans and corn, then last year it was turned over and a blend of clover/rye planted. But what grew was cocklebur and Johnsongrass. By fall, there wasn't much clover, so I mowed some "strategic" trails and where I did that now looks line a carpet of clover! I got the whole 2.5 acres mowed tonight and I'll be taking @at1010's advice to test the soil, then amend for clover to fight weeds. I'll probably spray it in 2-3 weeks anyways, then mowed again in 4-5 weeks. Regardless of methodology, we've got a ton of food in this field and I am more than pleasantly surprised by it!


*Supporting Member*
If you ever needed an example of how resilient clover is, look no further than right here. I finally made it out to what we call the "3rd field" tonight. Some of you may recall that this is the same field that used to be hay field, then a rotation of beans and corn, then last year it was turned over and a blend of clover/rye planted. But what grew was cocklebur and Johnsongrass. By fall, there wasn't much clover, so I mowed some "strategic" trails and where I did that now looks line a carpet of clover! I got the whole 2.5 acres mowed tonight and I'll be taking @at1010's advice to test the soil, then amend for clover to fight weeds. I'll probably spray it in 2-3 weeks anyways, then mowed again in 4-5 weeks. Regardless of methodology, we've got a ton of food in this field and I am more than pleasantly surprised by it! View attachment 177310View attachment 177309
Such a workhorse of a crop!! Good work!!
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Junior Member
Plot looks awesome! Where did you get your seed from?

I have a 3 acre plot that I am looking at planting clover to provide a strong year around food source plus it being a perennial.


Staff member
Plot looks awesome! Where did you get your seed from?

I have a 3 acre plot that I am looking at planting clover to provide a strong year around food source plus it being a perennial.
It's just a blend of clover and rye we got from the local feed mill. It's a white clover, that's really all I know. I didn't buy it or seed it, so I'm a bit clueless there.

Hello and Thank You for having me. I own property in upstate NY. I have 4-5 acres of 4 year old clover. But I am the only food plot for miles and there are fields of weeds everywhere. It was strong the last two years after 1 application of Imox and clethodium (not sure of spelling)2 years ago.
i am over run with dandelions, tall skinny grass and Queen Anne lace. Lots of Goldenrod and winter dry vine next property over and my shady spots.
i was contemplating Imox and nitro surf and wait 2-3 weeks running a drag Harow over it and reseeding with clover.
The Imox lable says “offers some residual effect” can anyone translate this into length of time will it prevent of kills emergent clover please?


Well-Known Member
Keene, OH

Hello and Thank You for having me. I own property in upstate NY. I have 4-5 acres of 4 year old clover. But I am the only food plot for miles and there are fields of weeds everywhere. It was strong the last two years after 1 application of Imox and clethodium (not sure of spelling)2 years ago.
i am over run with dandelions, tall skinny grass and Queen Anne lace. Lots of Goldenrod and winter dry vine next property over and my shady spots.
i was contemplating Imox and nitro surf and wait 2-3 weeks running a drag Harow over it and reseeding with clover.
The Imox lable says “offers some residual effect” can anyone translate this into length of time will it prevent of kills emergent clover please?
@petesgonefishing ammonium salt of imazamox: aka IMOX aka Raptor, same chemical. Take a look here http://www.keystonepestsolutions.com/labels/Raptor.pdf we've found the Raptor label to be much more informative that the IMOX label (again it's the same chemical and concentrate.) IMOX needs crop oil OR surfactant AND a nitrogen fertilizer added to the tank (page 5) That's what we've been doing yearly now for 3 years and it's been working well.

The label spells out the IMOX application for Clover (Grown for seed) which should get you in the ballpark. Page 10. I have no data with regard to applying IMOX "preemergence" of clovers.. We have found in OH that mid- Apr - young and 3-5" weeds with freshly germinated clover it does not kill the clover. I've seen the effectiveness of applying IMOX, even a couple weeks later, when weeds are better established is greatly diminished. Best of luck.

A link to the thread Cspot started on IMOX.

I got the CORRECT answer.

Again Thank You guys for having me on your site!

I am kinda type A. I need hard evidence before I put $180.00 of seed that had “residual effects”!
i spoke directly with a gentleman named Luke at Keystone pest solutions. He provided this information.

Imox - residual 18 months in regards to clover planting. Spray imox 01/01/2023 - don’t plant clover until 07/01/2024.
Shorter acting alternatives The nitrosurf adjunct does not alter this.

Shorter acting alternatives.
Allegare 90 (as per manufacturer)
Clethodium (as per manufacturer)
Surfactant (I specifically asked about nitrosurf)
All mixed in one sprayer is ok.
wait time before overseeing 30 days

THEN/ALSO - in a different spraying NOT combined with above.
Butyrac (as per manufacturer)
No surfactant need
Wait time before overseeing - 30 days.

I asked how long between each spraying. I was told as soon as the first spray had dried. Technically this could be the same day. Personally I am going to wait overnight weather permitting.

I hope this information comes in handy and possibly saves you guys time and money.
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Hello and Thank You for having me. I own property in upstate NY. I have 4-5 acres of 4 year old clover. But I am the only food plot for miles and there are fields of weeds everywhere. It was strong the last two years after 1 application of Imox and clethodium (not sure of spelling)2 years ago.
i am over run with dandelions, tall skinny grass and Queen Anne lace. Lots of Goldenrod and winter dry vine next property over and my shady spots.
i was contemplating Imox and nitro surf and wait 2-3 weeks running a drag Harow over it and reseeding with clover.
The Imox lable says “offers some residual effect” can anyone translate this into length of time will it prevent of kills emergent clover please?
See may follow up post please.


Staff member
Per usual, I'm not where I'd like to be with my to-do list, but I did get my plot screen planted. This is a different brand from the local feed mill that has a few different types of sorghum in it. He special ordered it for another guy that I know and I can recall seeing his screens in the past and thinking they looked good, so I rolled the dice. Only cost me $9, so I can't complain too much. The field on the right side will get the Vitalize Seed's fall blend when it's time.


The clover is looking great across 90% of the field. There's a weak section where the Johnsongrass was the thickest, but I think I can recover it. I'll spray for grasses in the next week and it'll get mowed again soon. Overall, this field satisfies most of my summer food needs in combo with all the other browse we have.


I was hoping to turn the Corner Pocket into an alfalfa/clover/chicory plot, but it's one of the things I couldn't get to between my schedule and the weather. The trees I took out definitely increased the sunlight on the field, so there's been some incremental progress. The goal now is to nuke it with herbicide to kill the curly dock and other junk that's taken over, then turn it good, lime/fertilizer to recommendation and plant a blend of sugar beets/oats/clover in August. With the big clover field right next to this, it makes sense for this to be an annual plot for now.


I'll be out there Friday to spray my big creek bottom plot in anticipation of getting beans planted down there in the next 2-3 weeks. I'm also planting two small creek bottom plots with Vitalize Seed's spring blend. I'm adding a small kill plot this year that needs some TLC before planting, so that's on the list too. Lots more to do before September!


Staff member
Thought of @at1010 while mowing clover. This field was in traditional tillage ag for almost a decade. Last year, it was disc'd and we planted a clover/rye blend. I shared the issues I had with cocklebur and Johnsongrass, but now it's 90% clover. As I was mowing, I was looking at the slow build up of thatch and wondered how the decomposition of the clover clippings would benefit the field over time. I'm hoping to spray for grasses sometime in the next few weeks and assuming we don't get another drought, I'll mow sooner next time. This field should really be something special by fall.



Staff member
One hurdle crossed off the list! It's impossible to do spring plots down here with access being what it is, so I need things to dry out before planting it. I sprayed 3 weeks ago and it nuked everything, which set me up nicely for today. Two passes with the tiller, spread seed, packed it, then lightly drug it. We'll see how it does, but we have rain in the forecast and I'm optimistic this might work. I'd prefer to have drilled it, but until I get my hands on a drill, this is what I have to work with.




🤞 from here.

I'll be spraying mowing and/or spraying my other 4 plots this weekend to prep for August, along with putting the first few cams out. I'll refresh minerals as well. Dialing up the enthusiasm by the day right now!