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Wire Haired Dauchund

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
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Back in the day, I had to take a bow hunter Ed course to be able to hunt the nwr’s. It’s not required anymore. I was hard trying to find a class.

Can’t say it was the fix all class for experienced hunters, but new hunters could learn. It all boils down to morals and ethics to try to make the best shot or pass on a marginal shot. Everyone’s moral compass if different.
I wish it were mandatory simply because archery hunting is such a big thing now and apparently an awful lot of the people doing it have no mentors to instruct them correctly. I was taught early in life that just because you can see a deer it doesn’t mean you have a proper shot. I don’t think a lot of folks received that instruction. Why else would there be so many people trying a “slightly quartered” shot and still trying to shoot “just behind” the shoulder. That ain’t where the goodies live.


Senior Member
Everyone’s moral compass if different.
True, however, everyone's moral compass works much better when they have a basic understanding of how to do what they are doing correctly. Too many people hunting in archery season (in Ohio, anyway) do not know what they are doing. Ignorance can be overcome with education and experience. Stupidity and laziness, unfortunately, cannot.


Ragin Cajun.
3rd track I was shafted out of...

No Deer Again!
That’s gonna happen a lot! Easy blood trails you’re not gonna get the call. It’s the shit shots and no man’s land and frontal, hit them in the guts, one lung, liver, rear quarters, marginal penetration.

A lot of trackers have dogs that will run and basically catch it, that’s how they have a better success rate. Damn near running bay dogs if you will. Hit it in his lower leg, their dogs will catch it.


Senior Member
In Ohio we have to have the dog on a lead. Without, you risk losing your dog to a deer that's alive.
True that. If my escaped the house I’d lose him forever. His mother got hit by a car when my pup was 7 weeks old. He spent the next 6 months in my Carthadt sweatshirt pocket at work. 8 years later….he has to be 3 feet from me at all times. Good thing I work from home. Probably my last dog as I can’t replace him.


Dignitary Member
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Licking Co. Ohio
10:30 last night. "Shot a real nice deer but we have to look tonight because I don't want the meat to spoil" (Hour drive).
Put Maxx on the blood and he took off like a rocket. Came out of the woods and down through the ditch but totally shut down after that. Restarted and even tried some tricky things that did not work. Explained everything to the hunter and he seemed to be okay and glad that he got some closure with me saying the deer is alive.
First thing this morning on his way to work he sees the deer standing in the pasture with a bloodspot high shoulder just like I told him. Maxx Knows.... 🦌


Dignitary Member
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Licking Co. Ohio
Oh yea! Last night's track...
Google took me like all back roads from Mount Vernon back to Newark. Out on some backroad some freakin place, I see a U Haul sign that looks familiar... There is bigten05 shop and a Madd Maxx sign! It was like 1:30 in the morning and I was tired and that cheered me up enough to get me onto the house. TOO Cool Josh!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio

Here is a new one. "Looks like shoulder blood. Is that pretty much it for the blood?" No , We got all kinds of blood.....
Sends me 3 copies of each pic....🤓


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Got a call last night from a 17 yr old boy. Quite impressed, he (And Gramps) seems to have done everything right...
Gilley (sp?) suit, 10' up, 20 yd shot. 6" behind front leg and 1/2 way up deers body. Spitfire broadhead and pass through shot. Seen blood "blow out the side".... deer fell twice just after the shot, coughing/gurgling when it got back up. Waited 30 minutes, got arrow quietly, seen its dark blood and went to Gramps. Followed good blood until it crossed the road and they backed out again for permission. (We have now).
I told him we sure hope its down and Maxx finds it....
He says "I sure hope so sir... it's a 16 pt. 180+" deer!"
Now guess who's nervous AF and didn't sleep well.....
Stay tuned.... 🧐

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
We honestly trying. Gets quite frustrating.
Pretty difficult to track down deer that are still alive. Dude called me yesterday that had shot a buck that was facing him. “It was only 15 yards”…. Yeah, and now you’re trying to find a drone or dog. It blows my mind how many people make really bad choices when it’s time to kill a deer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio

Got the pleasure to track Josh's sons buck. Scent pool messed with Maxx at the end. He got down-wind and then it was on! Ol' Maxx Dogg turned into a monster and ripped off yet another tail. Then proceeded to rip stuff out of the ground.
Was sure nice to track one that was not high shoulder. Thanks Josh.... And your kids were the best behaved and the most fun of any that I've had around tracking yet. Congrats To All Of You!