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LIVE! From the Stand 2023-2024 Edition

3 point just showed


Active Member
The Flatlands
I’m in. Hunting a new chunk, received a little bit of deer intel from a friend that was looking for birds along a marsh and said he saw a couple does getting nosed by a young buck. So here I am. Started walking 15ish min before first shot so I’d have a smidge of gray light to navigate an unexplored area without my head lamp. I brought all my shit to climb or sit on the ground and opted for the ground for the first hour or so, can see a decent ways in these cattails so I’m hoping for at least some type of movement to learn how these deer move here. Setup in a decent hide in the cattails, close side of the water is 20 yards and has an unreasonable amount of deer tracks along it, far side is closer to 60 so I’m gonna need em on my side. Wind is fair for what I’m guessing the deer are doing. Figured sitting near a decent water source wouldn’t be terrible with the temps yesterday today and tomorrow. We’ll see. Good luck to anyone else out.


Active Member
The Flatlands
Haven’t seen shit. Got up after a couple hours to do some soft scouting. These marshy areas look deery AF, but very little buck deer sign. Found another big pocket of water, am now setup on the ground with my wind blowing over the water. Pretty open within my shooting range, but gets super thick beyond that. Did a rattling sequence just because a kids gotta play with his new toys, black rack sounds great but I can assure you that you can still mash your thumb pretty good if you’re an idiot much like myself


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Great last 35mins tonight. 3 does got bumped into field, they grazed and 3 bucks came out with 1 being a shooter. Lots of standing around dead down wind trying to figure it if they should be concerned of the hickory smoke smell, but they stayed and milled around till dark. Just very light bumping. Back at it in the AM.