The issue, in my opinion, with health insurance is that we use it far too much. This allows for the huge costs we see now, both for insurance coverage and for medical services.
If we only used health insurance like we do auto, property and umbrella it would make more sense.
We don't make claims against our property policies when a few shingles get blown off the roof in a storm. Yet, every single interaction with any health care entity gets run through insurance. That allows them to jack up the price and then come to an agreement with the insurer on what they are willing to pay.
If we paid for basic services out of pocket we could determine what we are willing to pay and we could treat healthcare like any other market based service. This would limit cost on both sides of the equation. Of course the genie is out of the bottle now.
The absolute last thing we need in this country is a socialist system where the gubmint pays for our health care. If you think it's bad now, just wait.