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Veterans of TOO.COM


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
My youngest actively wants to join. However my oldest child could use the discipline and focused attention.
It is all Kody had ever wanted to do. After the fire he really wanted to serve. He has been depressed about being deaf and not being able to. But starting to turn around and use it as fuel to accel. Been fun shaping him to use negatives as fuel. I hope he stays in this direction.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Pretty much what I did. I had a talk last year sometime with someone, or maybe on here, about how most veterans weren't this chest thumping hero. We were just people out of options and wanting change. So we made a change. Even if we claimed we did it for the country, deep down it was just something we told ourselves.
When I graduated, the economy was in the shitter. Especially NE Ohio due to the steel industry collapsing. Wasn’t a job out there that didn’t have a couple dozen folks applying for and having much more experience than a fresh from high school grad. Made it a couple years and a few jobs that were 90 day wonders. Work 80-89 days and then get laid off. Day 90 you were in their union.
Definition of insanity was a perfect definition for what was happening. Went down, took the test, enlisted and never looked back. Making a living and learning a trade was my motivation for what I did. The pride in country came along that path, as I matured.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
For everyone who uses the VA prescription services…… It’s a small percentage, but always good to have the info.

I do use them. Thanks for the heads up. I will double check my next shipment.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Blackhawk Down playing in the TV. Movie gets me every time. Chills. I was at Fort Leonard Wood when it went down. Last week or so of Basic. Drill Sargent came in and smoked the shit out of us. He was in that unit before they made him a D.I. After we were well smoked he told us what had happened the night before. It was on a weekend. He was the only one on duty. Sombering moment forever etched in my memory and I was on the other side of the world from where it happened. Probably the worst we got smoked for all of basic training and it was in the last days we had left. Usually they are easing up a bit at this point. I'll never forget the emotions he had all at the same time. Not like Drill Sargents show you their personal side or their emotions. That morning was different. He took out every bit of pisstivity he had on us.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I haven't been an NCO for 18 years. My neck tightened on one side pulling my head to a slight sideways lean and my knife hand twitched. . Somebody bring me a fucking tape!
