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4H projects

Walked around the county fair a couple weekends ago and really spent some time looking at the exhibits and farm animals, more than ever because of a well timed rain. Really took me back to our 4H, garden and farm animal days and sure made me regret not getting our 2 kids involved. Reading all of your current experiences it really gives me hope for the future generations you boys are putting forward. Nice job fella's!!


Staff member
We're weighed in and we've got some damn fine pens in comparison right now if I do say so myself. The effort she puts into keeping them clean start to finish, is super evident on weigh-in day. Not sure about that ad placement though 😂 #iykyk



Active Member
As great as this experience is for the kids the politics involved would make you guys cringe . It's nothing like it used to be that's for sure. Our animals are always brought home mostly for butcher or breeding purposes. We play by the rules for the animals that are sold ie what time were allowed to take our stuff an leave... this year I'm pissed. Just got a message drawn on a whiteboard from the committee saying we are not allowed in the barns during loadout... so top two butchers have the first 2 hours slotted for load time, the brokers the fair uses for the animals that don't have high enough bids are slotted for the 3rd hour. So I can't take my animals home that I own until everyone else's that were bought are loaded and out and so that people visiting the fair can see them until last minute. They're in for a rude awakening tomorrow... this may sound ridiculous to some but at least our fair is a joke anymore. They rape us on costs to revenue their carney side that doesn't do worth a crap. If you're animal is sold during auction then absolutely play their game it's a binding contract. Otherwise kiss my spots where the sun don't shine. To heck with it being a holiday and telling me I'm the last person to take my animals home and I'm not allowed in YOUR building when I OWN those animals when I can't enjoy my weekend off and have to go to bed late as shit when I have to be up at 4 to go to work. They switched everyone's camping spot that's held the same spot for the last 15 years , increased the charge from 115 to 250 to camp for the week. The power goes out to the campers 3 times a day. You can't use the wifi hookups that's free to all fair goers unless you pay 45 dollars for two lines now. Only 20 percent of campers get actual water lines. I will keep dealing with the shit so my kids can enjoy themselves and they will never know the darkside until they're older and have kids. But damn I swear Mr biden or Kamala whoever himself is running our grounds... pathetic. I hate to complain on a thread such as this but this Is what some of us have to go through . I will be pulling our animals before our ALLOWED time tomorrow. If they want to have their argument they can walk their lazy asses up to the fair committee and sherriffs office and explain why it's so unfair that people can't take their own property off their grounds.... it was never like this when I was a kid and I'm fed up with it. They will be showing at another fair next year even if it means they can only show in open class.... final piece of my rant our county is a joke the fair has become a joke ... and let's not get started on their stupid ass golf cart licenses they hand out to the carneys who ran over my sister in law who's 6 months pregnant on the first day of the fair during the band show watching her nephew play and then they take off while our all superior worthless sherriff Meyers claims we will follow up on the report... yeah nothing since has happened.... It just a pay day for them for the week like everyone else on that side of the fair. What a disgrace... sorry fellas I don't have a group to vent to so you're it lol. I will continue to hold a curtain over the reality so they can have fun and build the fundamentals they need until they are old enough to see it for themselves. As ridiculous as it sounds if you want to see the closest thing to screwed up government get involved in your local fair. Craziness.............


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
As great as this experience is for the kids the politics involved would make you guys cringe . It's nothing like it used to be that's for sure. Our animals are always brought home mostly for butcher or breeding purposes. We play by the rules for the animals that are sold ie what time were allowed to take our stuff an leave... this year I'm pissed. Just got a message drawn on a whiteboard from the committee saying we are not allowed in the barns during loadout... so top two butchers have the first 2 hours slotted for load time, the brokers the fair uses for the animals that don't have high enough bids are slotted for the 3rd hour. So I can't take my animals home that I own until everyone else's that were bought are loaded and out and so that people visiting the fair can see them until last minute. They're in for a rude awakening tomorrow... this may sound ridiculous to some but at least our fair is a joke anymore. They rape us on costs to revenue their carney side that doesn't do worth a crap. If you're animal is sold during auction then absolutely play their game it's a binding contract. Otherwise kiss my spots where the sun don't shine. To heck with it being a holiday and telling me I'm the last person to take my animals home and I'm not allowed in YOUR building when I OWN those animals when I can't enjoy my weekend off and have to go to bed late as shit when I have to be up at 4 to go to work. They switched everyone's camping spot that's held the same spot for the last 15 years , increased the charge from 115 to 250 to camp for the week. The power goes out to the campers 3 times a day. You can't use the wifi hookups that's free to all fair goers unless you pay 45 dollars for two lines now. Only 20 percent of campers get actual water lines. I will keep dealing with the shit so my kids can enjoy themselves and they will never know the darkside until they're older and have kids. But damn I swear Mr biden or Kamala whoever himself is running our grounds... pathetic. I hate to complain on a thread such as this but this Is what some of us have to go through . I will be pulling our animals before our ALLOWED time tomorrow. If they want to have their argument they can walk their lazy asses up to the fair committee and sherriffs office and explain why it's so unfair that people can't take their own property off their grounds.... it was never like this when I was a kid and I'm fed up with it. They will be showing at another fair next year even if it means they can only show in open class.... final piece of my rant our county is a joke the fair has become a joke ... and let's not get started on their stupid ass golf cart licenses they hand out to the carneys who ran over my sister in law who's 6 months pregnant on the first day of the fair during the band show watching her nephew play and then they take off while our all superior worthless sherriff Meyers claims we will follow up on the report... yeah nothing since has happened.... It just a pay day for them for the week like everyone else on that side of the fair. What a disgrace... sorry fellas I don't have a group to vent to so you're it lol. I will continue to hold a curtain over the reality so they can have fun and build the fundamentals they need until they are old enough to see it for themselves. As ridiculous as it sounds if you want to see the closest thing to screwed up government get involved in your local fair. Craziness.............
That's a shame to hear


Active Member
That's a shame to hear
Last night's tractor pulls were a treat.. the kids had a blast but since it's the NTPA it's national. I get it and I don't look down on a single puller they all earn their spot im not biased torwards anyone no matter where youre from but please explain why we were all asked to stand for national anthem and take are hats off to listen to the entire Canada national anthem before ours could play since one of the pullers was from there . Maybe I'm over thinking it but wouldn't you think ours would be played first being here in the state of Ohio in the United States? Nope we went second and they didn't even invite a fair kid out or a pullers family member to sing it. Straight broken up audio played over a loud speaker so you could only hear half of it. But they were nice enough to give a speech about our veterans before hand
.. made me sick.... I'm all fair to everyone and I love everyone but come on now..... let us have our moment and praise our flag and anthem and then let's celebrate the other countries after ours. I would expect the same If being held in their country. Idk maybe I'm losing my mind on what matters most.... but hey as in everything else money talks..
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