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RIP Charlie Hustle


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Just watched a documentary on him about 6 weeks ago. I think it was on MAX. Pretty good. Sad day in Cincy for sure. I remember my 1st baseball game was at Riverfront. The Reds played the Dodgers. Crowd kept yelling OREL OREL OREL. Also remember Pete making a visit to the mound to change pitchers, I got all kinds of excited to see him go out there. Met him once in Boca Raton at his restaurant. He was kind of a dick lol.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Just watched a documentary on him about 6 weeks ago. I think it was on MAX. Pretty good. Sad day in Cincy for sure. I remember my 1st baseball game was at Riverfront. The Reds played the Dodgers. Crowd kept yelling OREL OREL OREL. Also remember Pete making a visit to the mound to change pitchers, I got all kinds of excited to see him go out there. Met him once in Boca Raton at his restaurant. He was kind of a dick lol.
His rep of being a douchecanoe goes far but as far as leaving it on the field, no one did it better. I watched that documentary as well. He got that work ethic from his dad being so hard on him it sounds like from that documentary. He even competed hard at batting practice and scrimmages. Always played as hard as he could probably trying to make his old man proud or not get yelled at afterwards.