Buy a couple differeant boxes and have fun sighting them in..... Thats half the fun lol....
I used to shoot Remington Cooper Solid Sabots back when I gun hunted. They are lethal and always flew great out of my Mossberg 500.
Jesse I've been shooting those copper solids since I bought my Marlin 512 some 15 years ago.... have never lost a deer to date with those slugs..... hopefully I didn't just jinx myself hahaha....
2 3/4" lightfields. They do well out of my 1187. Easy to find as well. That's something you need to think about too. Good luck.
Buy a couple different boxes and have fun sighting them in..... Thats half the fun lol....
Federal Premium Barnes Expanders....
70 yd shot from the ground, through the front and lodged in left hindquarter....
2 3/4" lightfields. They do well out of my 1187. Easy to find as well. That's something you need to think about too. Good luck.
Hornady sst slugs. Have shot a big mature doe at 93 yards and my buck at 60 yards. Both dropped in their tracks.. Shoot a great group at 100 yards. Never tried anything longer on paper..
I used to shoot Remington Cooper Solid Sabots back when I gun hunted. They are lethal and always flew great out of my Mossberg 500.