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  1. finditwithfinley

    1 up and 1 down in the first inning.

    I believe we will. This guy has about 300 acres and at least 30 cameras, so I'd imagine we will see him soon.
  2. finditwithfinley

    1 up and 1 down in the first inning.

    First track of the season didn't go as we'd hoped unfortunately. This hunter was a super cool dude and this particular deer has a lot of sentimental value, so I'm really bummed for him. The hunter took the shot right at last light and couldn't tell where it hit. There was some blood, but...
  3. finditwithfinley


    This is too cool. Very awesome to see the generosity! Good luck Levi and @giles
  4. finditwithfinley

    TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition

    I went from 275 down to my target weight of 220 in about a year by watching my carb intake, portion control, and a few egg fasts. You can lose 15 lbs QUICK (like a week or so) with an egg fast. Rules are easy. You can eat everything you want, as long as it's eggs, and for every egg you have to...
  5. finditwithfinley

    Are you ready for the weekend!!

    Been waiting for opener for a LONG time! Now for you guys to get out there and make some bad shots so we can help you out! 😉
  6. finditwithfinley

    Southwest Ohio Deer Tracking Dog (Free Service)

    I think it's a great idea! Count me in.
  7. finditwithfinley

    Southwest Ohio Deer Tracking Dog (Free Service)

    2 bags of deer jerky and a tub of Preparation-H
  8. finditwithfinley

    Southwest Ohio Deer Tracking Dog (Free Service)

    She's American. This will be her first full year and we were only able to get a few tracks last year. Here's a pic of one from when she was 8 months old. Hopefully a lot more this year!
  9. finditwithfinley

    Southwest Ohio Deer Tracking Dog (Free Service)

    Sounds like my kind of town square! Count me in!
  10. finditwithfinley

    Southwest Ohio Deer Tracking Dog (Free Service)

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  11. finditwithfinley

    Southwest Ohio Deer Tracking Dog (Free Service)

    I can assure you she'd do her best to scare off every aquatic organism withing 20 miles of ANY swimming hole lol
  12. finditwithfinley

    Southwest Ohio Deer Tracking Dog (Free Service)

    Hunting season is fast approaching so I wanted to introduce myself and my dog, and offer up our services for members in Soutwest Ohio. My name is Chris Hampton and I'm located in Butler county and service a 75 mile radius from home. You can save us on facebook at "Find it with Finley Big Game...